Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

8 : 8 Chap. zi. An Expojition upon the Book of Jos. Vert. 31. rnifery that they are not ; they indeed look upon it as their priviledge that they are above reproofe, that they can fin and noman lay, why do you fo ? That though (as the Pfalmitt fpeakes, Pfal. 49. 13. ) their way be theirfolly,yet(not only as r follower there)their pofierity, but their contemporaries, or they who are prefent with them approve both theirlaying! and their doings, faying yea, to their yea,and nay to their nay,chi- rrrng in with all their opinions & actions. Thus they picafe therm-elves in beingalwayes pleated by others, which yet is at once their mifery and their curfe;fo by this meanes they hear any thing rather then the truth of their ownways & praetices, and are deprived of the greateft benefit offriendfbip and hu- mane fociety, faithfull admonition.What fhould a man delire more of a friend then to be made better by him, or to be ad- monifhed in what he doth arniffe.The Lord(Hcf4.4.)threa- tens it as one of the foare't judgments, Let no roan firive , He Both not mean it ofcorporal strife, or offtriving with blowes and weapons, but of a ftrife byconvicions or arguments : fo 'cis expounded in the next words; Let no manfirive or reprove amther.To reproveanother is to ftrive with him for his good; And 'cis one ofthe faddeft reproofes and greateft evills that can fall upon man, when God faith, Let no man reprove another. When once God faith ofa firmer, he 'ballnot be re- proved,'tù more then probablethat he loath (aid of hisfin its all not be pardoned. The Lord paralels their fins,bfwhom he laid Let no man reprove another, with the greateft fin ; For thy people are 03 they who ftrive with the priefi. They who then ftrove with the Prieft, strove with God himfelf in whole name the Priefts adminiftred holy things. When any fo ftrive with men that they ftrive with God alto, nomarvail if God forbid mento ftrive with them any longer. To be reproved bath fo muchgood in ic,that tobe reproved is better then to be loved. Solomon affures us (Prov.z7. 5,6.) That open rebuke is better thenfecret Lve,faithfulare the woundsofafriend, but the kifes ofan enemy are deceitful. By the wounds ofa friend,he means. not {word- wounds,but word wound;, or thole blows which a friend gives by rebuking; Faithful are theft' wounds ofa friend ; that is,by thole a friend gives teftimonyof his faithfulness But the kifes ofaxenemy: that is,his fiatteri's.and foothings are de- ceitful: