Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

8zo. Crisp. 2I .3'x E'xjoliaioav upon tbe Bookaf J o s. Verf. 3 r. found to repayhimwhat hebath don. And therefore no mar- vaile if the wicked man paffe untoucht through the world; God oftentimes fpares him in wrath, and men fpare him ofte- ner forfear.Men dare not punifh him, and God will not pn- nith himhere, therefore this man mutt needs efcape unpuni- thed. Hence note, irft, Tunijhment itpayment, juftice is thegivingofevery man bis due. The Original word here tranflared repay, notes the ordi- nary payingofa debt, and in its firft fgnification to mak- peace. Ana the reason is becaufe both when any man payeth bis private debt, he procures his own peace by it, as alt° when Ivlsgiftrates pay wicked men their due judicially, the publick bath peace by it. and that not only from the promife of God, but allo from- the very nature of the thing. When juftice pay- eth every man his due, both rewa d and punifhment, who can complaine ? or be adhered tdK4jfhe doe ? When juftice runs down (as it ought) like afiream, (that is, freely and indiffe- rently to all)/ ken peaceAsabe(as'tis promifed)likea river : that is, comfortable and continued unto all. When the juft- ice of man is like the juftice ofGod (whicri now awardstoe- very man according to his deeds. and will at laft render toe- very man according to what he hat`) done whether it be good . or whether it be evill)when (I fay) the juftice ofman is thus (in proportion)like the juftice ofGod; thenthe peace ofman (hall be (in his proportion)like the peace of God, a great and a letting peace. It breeds as much trouble to States and Nations, whenoffenders are not paidaccording to<what they have committed : as it doth to private perfons when their creditors are not payed according to whatthey have borrow- td. Again, when lob faith, Who fhallrepay him what he bath done? He implyes this fecondohlervation, That. Score trickedthen do even out-grow the reach ofmans juflici. They