Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. zi; Ax Expofttiox floe the Booüvof Jos. Yeti. 3 i. Sal tl11 They are fo fortified with powrr,with riches and relations, that there's no coming at them ; Where (hall we havea wit- nefïe to declare the truth againft them according to his know- ledg of the fait ? Where fha!l we have a Judge that will de- clare the truth againft them according to his knowledge of the law ? or havinggiven fentence will fee it executed? no man ever out-grew the juftice of God, but many have out- grown the jufticeofman ; not that the greateftof men are at any time priviledged from the juftice ofman, but becaufe many times juftice isoverborn by great men. For as Tome men are fo low, weak, and miferable, that only God bath power enough to raife and heale them, they are fo farr gone (as we fay)that the creature cannot cureor recover them, and there- fore we ufe to fayof fuch, thatwe leave them to the mercy and power of god, we cas doe no more theLord muff helpyou, for we cannot ; Now as fome men are fo weake and low,that we muff leave them to the helpofGod, fo there are others fo high andgreat, fo ftrong and powerful!, that we mull leave them to the juftice of God. And ( tobe lure ) as the day of Divine juftice hachbeen, fo it wil be upon thofe that are lifted up, as well as upon chafe that are low, upon the ftrong Oakes and tall Cedars, as well as upon the mufhromes and the fhrubs. God will repay every man what he bath done, though man neither doth nor can.