Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

8z2 Chap. 2e.. An Expoñtion upon the Book of Jo a. Verf.32. J á 13, Chap. 2 t. Verf.3;, 33, 34. letAtli he be brcnzght to th_' grave, andflail remain in thi tomb. Theclods ofthe valley /ha' befweet untohim, andevery a3. aatfhall drawof ter him, ass there are in°uinerablebe_ fore him. liow then comfortyeme in vain,feeing inyouranEwers there rersainethfalfl'öod' ln the former verfe thewicked man was reprefented foftoue and daring, that no man dura check him, or thew him the ugly vifage ofhis wayes in the glair: of truth. But (as our tranflation teems to carry it) this verfe checkes him toput'. pole : and whereas none dura declarehis way to his face, this declares his end to his face. Though (as Naballs fervant laid ofhim, i Sam. 2 .7r.)he werefuch a Son of Belial,that a man souldnot ffieak_tohim, yet death fpeaks with him. Verf.3 z. 1102'1 be brought to thegrave and remain in the tombe. Let men be euflout as they will againfl God orman, yet to the grave they muff. This may be a cooler towicked men when they are in theirgreateft heats, and a block in their way,when they are moll forward to purfue the way of their own hearts, that is, their lnfls.Doe or faywhat they can,they muff return to the duff, their flifìe necks mutt troop, and look into the grave, into the darkand filent grave. Solomon hath an excel- lent expreffionof this (Eccl. 8.8. )There is no man bathpower over the [piriti to retain thefpiri,That is,as the word Spirit is often ufed (CÇen.b. r 9. Yob 7.7. dfa.42. 5.)no man hath power over his breath or life to retaine it. The ttrength, authority, wifdome , and induftry of man, cannot hold his life when once death, byCommif ion fromGod, calls for it : And(as it follows in the fame verle) there is no difcharge in that warre, The original word translated difcbarg, frgnifies,o iffien or fen dingforth:Whendeath afiàults and makes wanupon us,tis in vane