Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. 2r. :4n Expo;tion upon the Book of j 6 B. Vert. 32. 823 vain either to fend out forces ro make refinance againft it : or to fendout Ambaffadours to make peace with it. Some have made a covenant with death(Ifa. 28.15.)but none could ever make peace with it : as no force, fo no treaty nor en treaty can nay it,when'cis refolved tocome. And as there is no million, fo(accoruing to our reading)there is no difcharge or dilmiflion in that warm. No man can have leave to depart the field and goe home, when he is fummon'd to depart the world, and goe to his long home. And therefore the fame Solomon while he feems to give the young man liberty,bidding him takehis full twinge, (Eccl. i I , 4.)Rejoyce Oyoung man in thyyouth, let thr heart shear thee in the dayes ofthyyouth, and walkin the warescf thy heart, am;-d in thefightof thy eyes, yet gives him a check at parting, 'But know thou that for all the/e things God will bring thee untojudgment. In thisText death is the [top, and in that judgment. Though a man wallow in pleafure, and live in fin all his dayes, yet God will bring him firft to death,and after that to judgmennret heJhal be brought to thegrave, &c. occupatio ob- Secondly, Thefe words are conceived as the preventionof jrtiionir. Just, an objection againft the whole matter before fpoken. For yob having afferted the outward profperityofwicked men, in op. pofition to his friends, fome might fay, what doe you fpeak to much of, and cry up their profperity, theydye, they arc brought to the grave, they rot and confume there as well as other men. To this lob is foppofed anfwering three thin. Firft, That he had done enough, as to the eítablifhment of his own tenet, when he proved that many wicked men live a peaceable and flourifhing life : he never undertook to prove that they were exempted from death, or priviledged from the grave. Secondly, Let it be, that they dye, that's no argument a gtinn their profperity, for their very death is a kind of prof- perity ; verf. 3 3 d, The clods ofthe valley (hall be fweet to him. Thirdly, That there is no reafon why this fhould be oh. je&ed to ftain the prefent profperity ofthe wicked man ; fñr as much as this is the lot ofevery man; in the latter pact ofthe 33d. verf; Every man(ball draw after him, ar there are inre merablebefore him,. Thirdly,