Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

824 Chap. 21. Perßat actinic 7nb in [se tuo propofitoconFr. rnando,r: jape tmriof vitere fal:Ced nee non fupremp etiin funerir hoop ç confer ildr anphfifimè tt1Cd. An ,Expolitiofe upon the Bookof J g B. Verl, 32, Thirdly, For the underftanding ofthefe words, Yet he fhall be brought to the grave, I conceive that yob here continues his own difcourfe and confirms that opinion which he had before laid down, concerning theprosperityof wicked men, rather then anfwers objedions againft it. As if he had fait!, Such live happily, yea and they dye happily too, or they haveakind ofhap- pinete in their death, as much happineffeat the naturali man is capable of in death. So that, whereas ye my friends have afiìr- raed,that ifGod doe at any time fpare a wicked man while he lives,or fullers him to live comfortably, yet God will furely brand him with Tome remarkeable lodgment at his death. I affirm, That many wicked men live in plenty, dye in peace, andare brought to their graves with honour. Yet,or as fume render, yea he fhalbe brought to thegrave;As if he had laid, befides all that I have fpoken of the outward felicityof thewicked man,I add this further,Ffe/halbe brought to the grave- But what is there of fingularity or priviledge in this ? a man that lives in mifery and dyes a beggar is yet ufual- ly brought to a grave when he is dead : And he that bath been a meer attendant or a flave all his dayes, fhall yet have force to attendhis body to the buriall. I anfwer; The Hebrew word fignifies pot only the common a&ion ofbringing to the erg; in which fenfe 'cis ufed ( lob to. 9 ) Renumber I befeech thee, that thou hall mademe at the Clay, and milt thou bring me intoduff again?That is (hall I dye prefently and returne to deñotat the.duft out of which man was molded at the firft.But befides pornpam guar.- this ordinary lenfeof the word, there is a higher, which de- dim & 4,15 .notes a Rudied preparation, or a kind ofpompous celebrity in Tatum n bringingman to his rave. And the Rateand pompe ofmen di cum Cantu g b g P P ea nrufteir in while they live, is ufually fuites with a funeral! pomp when firumentic,hine they dye. In ftri&nes the word implyes a bringing to the 7obel Buccina grave with found of Trumpets, which inftrumenrs reftder a eu,ufin bete- doleful! tone as well as a pleafant, and can make forrowfull as well as joyful) mufick. Trumpets were fo much ufed in the yearofJubilie, that the Jubilie is fo called from a Trumpet. Death is to force in every refpect a day ofJubilie, they attain freedome from all evills ; and it is a day ofJubilie to all in force refpeets, every man receives freedom by death from many evills. Thus