Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. zt. s.ln expoflrion upon the Bookof J o a. Verf. 32 Thus the wicked man is brought to thegrave, that is,he bath anhonorab',e and a folemne burial! ; His dead carkaffe is not thrown into aditch, hebath not-(as 7ehejakim was threatned, /et. 2 . r 9.) the.buriall ofan Affe,to be drawn andcall forth beyond the gates of the City,.( as the buriall of anAffe is there described by the Prophet) but he hath even a whole Ci- ty to accompany and carry forth his corps to the place ofbu- rial!. He hach mourners at his funerali, and he hath his fune Hlnct"áa can,- rail muficke, to lighten the affe&ion of forrow. Such ufages dr ¡a ranAemgs are reported by Heathen Poetsat the morepompous inter- bearu1M atto ments of their dead. And we finde the footfteps ofthat cu. Campoftrut fe Lome in the Golpe!, ((Mat. 9. 23.) Chrift being fent for to ihcrafh; / cure the daughter of the Ruler ofthe Synagogue, whenhe tat ": any ®m,t, came.Into the houle, He law the Minfirils and thepeople ma- In ¡cansegï P P dor calru ex. kinga noire. Theyknowing that thewas dead, and fuppofing tendir. Pert: her pall all recovery,were addrefiìng themfelves for her burials or as Yob's Text fpeakes to bring her to the grave. Further , The firft particle of the verle is that common conjunâion copulativeand, we render it (as elfewhere often) jet, which carrieth in it a found ofadmiration. Thus Amos 4, 6. Iage havegivenjotscleanenefs ofteeth in allfour Cities, and want ofbread in allyour places,yet haveje not returneduntome faith the Lord ; As ifhe had Paid ; What a wonderfull thing is it that ye being thus afflic4ed fhould not rtturne.Thus here, Though it may Teem ftrangeto you, Yet heJhall be brought to thegrave. though the man werefo wicked that no manwould ad- venture to tell him ofhis wickednes, yet he'hall be brought to the grave: and when he faith, He /hallbe brought to the grave, it may have a twofoldoppofition. Firft, To another kindeofdeath, even a violent death : As if he had laid ;This man living/o lewdly, deferved indeed to be brought eyther to the blockand have hú headcut off;or to the Gil. bet 6 be hanged up bifore allthe people,jet though hewas fo vile as to defervea violent deathfrom theffroakgfjullice;ke (hall dye a naturali dearbondbe brought to thegrave with,honour.It wes anciently faid;ThatfewTyrantsdyed a dry death, they were u- fually drencht in their own blood when they dyed, eyther by Tome fudden affaßination, or by fome;udiciary fenterlce. Yet forme Tyrants who have thruft others violently St anjuLlyout Nnnnn of the