Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

8z6 Chap. 21. ayfx Expolition upon the Too& J o s. Verl. 32, the world, goe out themselves naturally, and are brought to the grave pompoufly. For Secondly, 'l o bebrors,.ht to the ("rave, according to the true fence of the word, and the interpretation given, Bands in op.. p. fi:ion to an obfcure and vulgar wayof buriall. He lived in flare, and be shal I. be brought in fate to the grave. Hence obferve Men Ingloriouu by their wk(ed liver, may haveglarious frt. nerai/r when theydye. And it bath been no fmall part of tome fuch mens care to- leaveorderfor a funeral. They who never had a truly ferious thought: how to difpo fe oftheir fouls when they were to dye, yet bave taken care very lèrioufly how to have their bodies difpofed of,and have let down in what place in what tomb, &. at what rate theywould beburied. Some. order a Sermon at, their burialls; who never regarded Sermons in their livess though (like enough) they heard many. Their friends (hall cate the fweete, and drinke wine in bowies at the bringing of their bodycs to the grave; while their feparated foules, feparated for ever from God, as well as from their bodycs for a feafon, are feeding upon gall and wormewood, and drink- ing the wine of Gods feirce indignation, powredOut without mixture. Such pompe (if thatbe poffible ) makes mirth in hell, and fees the Devil! a laughing.Such funerals have a num. ber ofvisible mourners, and they have innumerable invifible rejoycers: The Godof this world,and the powers ofdarknefs, deride thole folemnities, which give fo much honour to a body, whole foule is not onely departed, but condemned to eternal! anguish and infamie. AHeathen could fay,Tbe life"of Faeilú jathura afuneral,or ofa Sepulcher,isan ea/ie loft,butChriftians knows íepsl.herz° that the lofe ofa foule, thelffe ofheaven, the lofe ofglory , are not onely fad but unvahaable, and not onely unvaluable, but irreparable loslres. A Beleever careth not much, where his body finds a grave, fo his foul findChrift. What glory foever the bodies ofwicked men have when they are buried, onely thebodyes of the Saints fnall have glory,when they are ray- fed againe. He ¡ball be brought to thegrave, e4nd