Chap. 21. yfn expofition upen the 'ookof j o B. Vert 32 827 windfhall remain in the tomb. There words are a continuation of what was fayd ta& There is fume variety in the reading ofchem. The Hebrew is, sure, a ce>ve He ¡hall watch in the heape., fo we put in the marginofcur Bi- vigitabit.Monc bles; He !hall be brought to the grave,and watch in the heap.The t e. acfi vigil Original word fignifies both to watch ,and to remain; becaufe a vivufq; exi¡ie watch man keepeth his place,and flayeth by it;he is not as we 7et' fay, up and downe, here and there, but fixed where he is ap- pointed. And the word fignifies not onely abare watching, ( as when a man keeps hiseyes open, and doth not fleepe) w r:t A watching meerely oppofed to fleeping; but it notes watch. vigilare fed d it ing with an incentive fpirit as well as with an open eye. The tentum effe word is ufed fully to that fence, (Pro. 8. 34. ) Blefed zt the affiduum in ope. man that heareth ma( faith wifedome) watchingdayly at my realign. merc. gates. Whatdoe we, when we watch at wifedomesgates,if we do as we ought? is it only the placing ofour bodies there,and the keepingofoureyes open there ? 'Tis much more then both there.Watcbing at Wirdomesgate is the work ofourfpi.- tits,'cis the felting of the heart to receive what wifedomeut- ters;This is watching indeed.But you will fay,this fence feetna very incongruous to and remote from a dead mans cafe ; how can he watch at all whole eyes are doled in darknefs ? I con- ceive, The dead mans watching in the heape or tomb (which tranflation divers learned Interpretersadhere to) mayhaves P,rre arzuaitait double reference: either,firíl,to the cultom ofpreferving the condito; an it, e. bodies ofgreat men from putrifaálon. To which end their dial' cadrye bodyes were fo fpiced and imbalmed, that they were kept, as rú, cuj:to bene- it were alive, and being fet in vaults, they looked as if they fi,to!crvat, ä were keeping continual! watch. rrultajaìula at. Secondly, It may referre, if not to theembalmed bodyes of pc vigilare C14. thedead, yet to their reprefentations or ffrues which (as we raffe é vivere fee) in ourdayes are placed upon their tombes or fet upright videtur. Fined in preffes. Thefe Statues were madeas neer as art could reach to the life, & fo might be laid towatch there as ifthey lived, yea upon the fame account they might be laid not onely to watch but to pray there: for fuch Statues areufually (among us)let up in praying pollutes, kneeling, and lifting up both hands & eyes (Inch as theyare) to heaven : you (hall fee the N n n n n e, figure ßl