}.3 8 Chap. 2r e.An expoiCrion xpox the Tooke( J o a. Vert. 32, IL11, f.ai1l.at prop*ie arervñ j;xgum qui in area in rnodam pyramidic in ju5time attetli tar. MCC.. figure ofa man,whohath (poflìbly)neen a ne glecier of pray. er all his dayes, yet fixed to his tombe not only in a watching but a praying pofture ; Many being dead feeme to pray al- wayes, who onely teemed to pray when they were alive They made dead prayers, or they prayed without watching while they lived, and beingdead they would be looked upon both watchingand praying. To either ofthefe caftome the Text may allude fairely ; and fo carryon ?oh difcourfe con- cerning the wicked mans profperitie in death. Againe, Some read (not, he (hail watch, but) he Jhal1 be watched; or ashen /hall watch him in the heape. They (hall watch there,eyther as conftant mourners for his death,or they (hall watch there as proteáors ofhis dult:., leaft any offer vio- lence to his grave, or difìurbe his bones. Beth thefe may fuite with the fcope of the Text as fignifications ofhonour andare- fpeft to the deceafed. He 'hall beo arched in the Tombe or heape. That Original word is ufed but foure times in the whole: Scripture, and in this place onely it is eradiated a tombe; properly it lignifies a heapeof corne. (7ob s. 2,6.) He Jbal1 ke brought like a (hockofcorne info!! age. A (hockofcorn, is a heape ofcorne, that is,many fheaves laid or built up together by the art of the husbandman. And hence fome intepret this Text as ifthe wicked man fhould be buried abroad in the fend among the heapes ofcorne, but there is no,neceffitie to carry it lo ftriftly. A tombe or grave, any where made, is an heap or aggregationofcart h,as a (hockofcorn is an heape orag. gregation of (heaves. And the tombe is fo called in a double confideration. FirR, Becaufe the dead bodyes of men are brought and heaped together in the tombe. That periphrafis of death fo often tiled in the Scriptures of the old Teftament, He ortbey were gathered to theirfathert,is byTome expounded in compli- ance with the poynt inhand, as noting the gatheringof the bodges of the dead into one common heape. And though I rather conceive it intendingthe gathering of their fpirits un- to the fpirits ofjolt men made perfe& ; yet the Text fpeaks in tla cafeof 7ofrahffzCbron. 34. 28.) concerning his being ga- thered