Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

83o Chap. 21. An Exporttion upon the Boc%of J o a, tTerl, ;s': Hence note s It is afavour (let feschafavour as ,,ickedmen are oftenparts= kern of) when our bones refl and remain quietly in thegrave. Many have been bro ugh to their graves with much folem- nity, who have not rem ained there. The AJfyrian is threatned ( /fa. 14. 18, 19. ) that he (hall not have the honour ofbu- riall in the Graves of his Predeceffors, or in the Grave which he had appo}nted for himfclfe, All the Kings of the ly2tions, even allof them lye in glory, every one in his ownhoufe: That is in his own grave, ( the grave is called the boule ofall living ) or in the grave which each one prepared for himfelfe neere his own houfe : Thus all the Kingsof the Nations lye in their ftately tombes,but thou artcall out ofthy grave like an abomi- nable branch,and as the raiment ofthofe that are Elaine thrujî thoroughwith thefiord, that gee down to the (ones of thepit, as a carkafre trodenunderfeete, thou f alt not bejoined with them inburial! : that is, thou (halt not have thehonour; offucha burial as they.Thou art caft out,(that is,kept out)of'ahygrave. 'Now ifit be a fore judgement, upon a wicked man efpecialiy, all whole portion conffts in outward refpetis and priviledges, not to be admitted to a grave,but as the Pfalmilt bewayls the fad a lfii &ion ofthe Saints & fervantsofGod, (Tfí9.2.) to have their dead bodye. given to be meate to the Towles ofthe heaven, and theirtle(h to the beafts ofthe earth : Then how great an evill is it tohave thedead body torne and pulled out of the grave ,and thofe bones difquieted which were nt reft. Yet the Lord threatens 7erufalemwith an enernv,who provo- kedeither with covetoufne(%, or with malice, (hail rifle their very graves. The wrath ofGod doth not only pur!ue finners while they live, but in death, it purfueth them to the grave, and in the grave, (7er. 8. r )At that time, faith the Eord,they (that is, the cruel enemy) shallbringout the bones cfthe Kings cf 7udah, & the bones ofthe Princes (in whole Sepulchers,they might hope to finde rich ornaments, jewels, and treafure.) And the bones of the Priefl.,& the bones ofthe Prophets(that is, of thecorrupt Priefts andProphets efpecialy,who had flatte- red the Princes, and perverted the people, this doom is gaffed upon them alfo who had been eytherperverted by the falfe Prophets,