834 Cttap. 2I, An Expofition upon the Boch of J O S. Verb. 33 PoJlfe omen: &o.ninem tra- üte Vulg, bodily labour and trouble is a favour toSaints, and 'cis much more then anywicked man bath right to,that his body fhould reft from trouble and labour all that time which tuns out be- tween death and judgmenr.We may call that reff,the negative ha}pineffe of wicked men.And as it is, in fome fence, a favour that they live fo many years on earth,their fouls being kept all that while out of hell; fo that they I; and continue for fo long a time áfrer death in the earth, or (as Yob fpeakes) among the clods of the vallcyes, their bodies being kept all that while out of hell ; For as the perfec4ion ofthe glory and bleffednes ofSaints will be after the reunion a..d marriage o` foule and body ; fo the perfeäionofthemifery and torment of the wic- ked wi'l be at the like reunion. Therefore itmay well be laid . ofa wicked man, not only in reference to the pains ofthis life, which he is quite freed from,butallo in reference to the pains of the next life, from which for a while the grave detains him, that,ihe clods of the valley are[wee: to him. Andevery tnan Jhall draw after kim Matter Broughton reads, Hedrawetballearthlyafter Una ;, as if the dead than wereac`tive in pulling the living after him into the grave ; we render it as if living men were aaive in haftning after the dead unto their graves; everyman fhal draw after him.Some taking the former tranflation,underftand it of a moral! drawing ; his wickedneffe attra&s many to the imi- tation ofhim.Multitudes followhis ill example. But though it be true that ill examples (as fomedifeafes) are very catching, or, like a loadfione very drawing and leading, yell conceive that is not the intendment here,The Latine Tranflater expref- feth it fo,but expounds it,in purfuance ofthe pompe ofhis bu- rial!, He Jiralldraw allmen after him That is,when he dyeth bis funeralswill draw the wholeCity and Country together to attend, or gaze upon it : fome will come out ofrefpeá to honourhim,and many in curiofitie to pleafe themfelves in be- holding the magnificence and ftatelineffe of his interrement. But I paffe this alto, as much below the Text. And conclude,that thefe words,All menJhal draw after kim; doe only removean ob e tion,which fome man might make againít yob's pofition, about the ptofperity ofwicked men. What