Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chap. i8. efin Etpofition upon the Boek; of Jr o >;. Verf.s s. 69 ty confc ences, they drive them to their feete, they fee no hope nor helpe, but in running away, and that (hall not helpe them neither. Such was the judgement upon 7erufalem, as Chrift in- timates (u at. 24.20.) when he bids them pray, That their flight might not be in the minter, nor on thefabboth day. This im- plyed,that their belt help fhouldbe in their flight,and their ftron- geit refuge in running from the danger ; The terrour which made Cab/afraid on every tide, drove him to his feet ; His own tongue could not conceale the courte whichhis heart intended ; I 'hall be ( faith he) a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth ( Gen.4. s 4.) The terrour which purfued our fitti Parentsafter they had finned, drove them alto to their feet ; e.Adam andhis wife hid themfelves from thepretence. ofthe Lord among the Trees of the garden (Gen. 3.8. ) Hence note; Flight is an argument of guilt. When troubles drive us to our feete, not to our hands, when we dare not refill our dangers, but run from them, in fuch cafes, either our dangers are extreame great, or which is worfe, our fpirits are extreame little, and our fortitude no- thing at all. It is a miferable fafety which is fought by run- ning away fuch feare fhewes the mans condition to be worfe then his aitliion. God threatens his owne people, that if his feare' did not keepe them from finning boldlyand prefumptu- oufly againfthim, their owne feare fhould make them. run co- wardly and bafely from the face of their enemy, they Mould be driven to their feete, not to their hands for helpe, and they are but miferable helpers : They that flee, flee in confufion, and fo may as well run upon the danger, as from it.; they may foone run into their hands whom they feare, but they cannot get out of the reach of their feare. When the fpring of feare is within our felves, we cannot be delivered from feare, untill we are de- livered from our felves. Thus the righteous God either keepes wicked men in on every fide, as clofePrifoners, that they cannot flee, or elle beingdri- ven to their feete, they fleeand run from that which fuch as they, cannot efcape, as is further evident in the net Verfe.. Ver,>.