Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

chap. z t. An Expofition upon the Nook of jo ß> Verf. 3 3. 837 seedsbe more then the living in an one. Hence the dead are called, Themore, and togee to the more, or to :hogs who are moll innumber, (founds among the !earned) ad mach ids todye. As amongthofe who yet enjoy a naturali life,there are more fpi. ritually dead, then fpiritually living ; fo they who are nice. rally dead, are more then they who live the life of nature. Every one that dyeth inereafeth the number of the dead, yet there are innumerable before him. Secondly, 'Tip no new thing to dye. Moil are as unwilling todye, and as unwonted todeath, as ifnone had gone before them, as if theywere to breake the Ice for all mankinde. Wherewe fee one goingbefore we ufu. ally take courage to follow after. There have innumerable gone before to the grave, yet few take courage in following after.And I confeffe, it is but a poor encouragement to dye, becaufe other meu like us have dyed before us. That which makes a man dye with true courage, and ftep with holy bold- aies into thegrave,is beleevingiy to rememberthat Jefus Chrift dyed& lay in the grave not only before us, but for us; that he bath conquered and waffled that King of terrors upon his own ground the grave;'Tis enough not only tomake uscheat full,but alive in death toknow favingly that Chia One is gone before us;'Tis at moil but a morali argument to perfwade mea to be chearfull in dying, becaufe men innumerable are gone before them ; but Chrifts goikg.thither before us is a fpirituail and prevailingargument. They who lived before Chrift dyed in the flefh, might comfort themfeivs againft the fear ofdeath, by beleeving the holy prophecy that he fhouid dye for them, much more may we by believing the holy hiftory ofhis death. That he bath gone before us in dying and dyed for us -who is alive and liveth for us; is ten thoufand times more confolation to us when we are goingout of this world, then that inumera. ble (fuch as our felves) aregone beforeus, or though anyone ofus fhould have the priviledge to abide in the flefh, till all were gone before him. 70b having thus farce fifted,weighed, and replyed to the wavers ofhis friends, gives his judgmentupon them as unfit to adtainifter: any folid comfort to'him 3, And therefore con..