$3 $ Chap. 2x. An .Expofition upon the Book of JoB. Verf.34; concludes roundly with them in the lait verfe of this Chap ter. Verf. 34. How then comfort ye me invain, feting input,' anfwers thereremainethfalfhood? Mr. Broughton renders, And what doe ye comfort me with vanity ? We fay, In vaine, or with vaine words. A thing is done in vaine three wayes. Pint, It is fomewhat in vaine when the end for which it is done is but imnperfeftly attained. Secondly, It is much in vaine when the end is not at all attained. Thirdly, It is then done molt in vaine when the ifrue is quite contrary to the end for which it was done. lob's friends comforted him in vain all thefe wayes; for they didnot only not attain their end perfectly, but not at all, yea inflead ofcomforting they troubled him, fo that as Balac Paid to Balaam(Numb. 23. r r.)what haft thou done unto me; I took thee to curie mine enemies, andbehold, thou haft ble}Ted them altogether. Thus lob feemeth to fay to his friends,What haveye done unto me, ye came tocomfort me, and yehave grieved me altogether,as bath been ¡hewed fromother paffa ges of this Book, efpecially from thofe, where he titles his friends not only Thificians cfno value, but 2WWiferable Coma forters. And he gives a further and a full account, whence it came to paffe that he got no comfort by all the difcourfe which they had with him in the lait claufe of this verfe and clofe ofhis fpeech. Seeing inyour anfwers there remainethfalfhocd. Mr.Breughtonrenders thus, Great offence remainethinyour difputation.Theword rendred Anfirers,Ggnifieth a debate be'.: tween two or more, when Arguments being given are recur. ned,which we commonly call anfwering. Inyour anfwers there remainethf:lfhood. L2WO elf '6ræ. The wórd carries not only falfhood upon mistake, ignop varícatio,trarf- ranee, or mifunderftanding, but faltltood byart or prævarrca. grellio cam con- Lion, when like a Sophilter aman would foyle his Adverfary by