840 Cep. zr. An Expofition upon the Book of Jos, 4,' any the leaft complyance with wickedmen, they unawares fet limits tohis fovereignty, and his power. As ifGod werenot at libertie to ditpofe of thefe outward things when, and to whomhimfelfpleafed. Thefe pofitions (faith have pro. ved falte ; and ye have not yet takenoff my arguments by any ofyour anfwers, therefore in your anfwers there 'till remain- - eth falfhood, and your labour incomforting me, bath been but labour in vaint. Hence obferve; Firft, Palle andunfound principles, can never produce found and true comforts. Solidcomfort cannot rife from any ground, nor refit upon any bottom but truth. As truth only works truegrace in the heart and fan&ifieth (Yoh. i 7.17. ) Santtifie them through thy truth ( was the prayer ofChrilt ) thy word is truth ; fo truth only worketh true joy in the heart and comforteth : if you would comfort a poor deje&ed foul, you muff comfort him with the truth, the word is truth. Error can neither kill our fins, nor remove our forrowes: And there is the fame reafon ofboth. For it is the office of the holy Spirit both to fan ti- fie and to comfort now, the holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and thereforehe will not worke by a falfhood, or cloath an error with his divine power, either for fan&ification or con- folation. The Prophet Hofea(Chap.7. 3 .)reproves thofe who made the Kinggladwith theirwickedneffe, and the Princes with their /yes. 'Tis poffible, that a do&rinall lye ( or a falfe do- dtrine) as well as an hif oricall lye, may make a man glad for awhile, but it is impoffible that itfhould adminifter lafting comfort or comfort at laft to any man. If they who are in darknef e will, as the Prophet fpeaketh (Ifa.50. I I. ) Kindle fxcb falfe fires, andcompxffe themfelves about with (itch [parks; let them (as the Prophet in holy (corn bids them) walkin the light oftheir fire, and in the .larks that they have kindled, yet. This they /hall have of mine hand (faith he) they fhall lyedown in Arrow. When fuch lie down upon their beds to raft, they thall find little, and when they lye down in the grave (except a whilefor their budyes)they (hall find lefTe. Secondly,