Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Chapar.. An Expogrime sepon the Book of j o B. Vert. 34 Secondly ; G' ocd men may be mi(iaken,.cnd erre in jeadgmtnt,, As the wills & affe&ions of the Saints on earth,have force corruption remaining in them, fo allo have their underftand- ings. And therefore as their pra&ice, fo their opinion, may be foyled and faulty.'Tis no wonder, if faifhood be found in . their anfwers, who are themfelves fo fulloffaylings. Thirdly, Note; good men may contincte long enderfome mistakesand error., ofjudgement. lob found his friends in these errors at their firfi difpute, and he found them fo in this fecond ; they did not mend their anfwers, though they multiplyed them; In your anfwers there remaineth falíhood. As'eis hard to part with anevil in pratice, fowith an error in opinion. That man is come to a great pitch ofhumility that confefTeth he is out.Moft will an- swer, and anfwer, come thick and threefold,with replications and triplications,and yet Hill in their anfwers there remained." falíhood. when any man maintains an error, the morehe anfwere, the more beerre:. Thus by theGood'handof Godwithme, I have finished the Expofition of this Chapter,andofthis whole fecond dif- pute, between 7o6 and his three friends. There yet remains &thirddifpute, but that's between Yob and two. The third gives out, and quitsthenext feild. What was done there by chofe who Hill held out. may ifGod, in whole hand our breath is andall,our wayes, continue helpe andlife,be repor led at another time. 841 PP PPP