Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

THE TABLE. the good Angels, not their Redee- mer. 226 Angryman defcribed. 14 Anger. Sixforts ofit. 15. Anger may be ofgood isle.' 6. Furious and ditempered anger hurts ourfelvet rnofl. 16. Seven rules given for the moderati g of our anger. t 6,17,18. Anger ie rte kindlingofafire in us. !, 2.1 5. Anger of god,howGod is [aid ,to be angry.716. Dangerous to pro. yoke godto anger. 717. The af- fiitîions ofwicked men aredifribu- ted to them by God inanger, 718 Alpha andOmega, firfb and laft, in eludeall perfections. 335 Appetite twofold. 542 Aftoniihment, judges ofgod caufe it 639. 642 Attention to the word twofold. 7 Auguftine,his with to fee three things. 374 B Baptifine threefold. 33 Belly, takenfor the appetite. 542 Bitternefsoffoul, what. 774 Blood ofChrift confidered twoways, inoche workofRedemption , 3 24 Bones, our bones,how taken in Scrip tare. 487 Bodily evils di/temper the mind. 282 Body (hallbefpiritual,after the re- furredion, three ways. 369. Foure endowmentsofaglorious Body.37o Branches ofa man,what they are. Brethren, (even forts of them. 234 Brethren mayprove forgetfull and unfaithful!. 23 5' Theeforangement of a Brother is very grievous. 237 Brimftone implyes barrenarfre. 220 Three things in ajudgment intima- s d byfeaturing Brimflone. 108 C Candle-light,tbe removing ofit fhezrs avery miferablecoalition. 29 Chaffe, wicked men compared to it in three things. 721 Children, kew their parents ffrengtb. 70. Tohave nochildren, or to be bereavedofchildren,agreater Aofre to the wicked then to the godly, and why. 022 Children bow the crown of old men. 204. Children being punifbed are a punifhment topa- rents. '.79, 480 Children their corruption ofnatured- life, fignified in their names. 664 worldly men breed their children vainely. 667 Chrift, hownot beardrf the Faber. z85. Chrift bath in him afutable good to all our wants. 291. That Chrift liveth,implyeththree things. 3 27. Chrift firft and le. 335 Church, how líke aflock. 665 Cleopatra, whyfhe chofe to die byput, ring affres to ber breaßs. 507 Cities,tbeirglory infevers tbings,2o2 Fourglories ofthe City of god. 202 Complaining; great fufferings,puc the be, to their complaints. 631ä Complaint of twoforts. 632. Bell to complaine to god. 632. Seven forts of men unfit to receivecom- plaints, 632, 633