Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

Confidence, what itis. 86. wicked menfull ofconfidence. 86. Thtir confidencefhali peri/b. 87 Confcienoe bathdivers works in man. 6z. Confcience a hell to force. 574 Confolation, Aman in affliltion re- ceives much confolation if he be heard. 617 Contamino,whence derived. 12 Contempt of others [info!. Io Contentment withour portion, whe- ther much orlittlewhence it is.544 what content is. 545 Covetoufne:s, unfatiable S41, 542, 543.Covetousperfonsare inftraits when fulleft. 554 Counfel ofgod u,: moveable. z 1 Counfels of men turned upon them. felves, 38, 39. God over -rulesthe counfels andpurpofes ofmen, 44 Conn'el, what it is. 708. The counfel of the wicked foolifh in the opinion ofthe god1.709. Poore mans counfel not heard. 710 Coun`ellers.Tke belt andwifeft coun- fel. 275 Cowardife ofwicked men. 565. 57o Credit and afteem,efpeciallyfromparts andgifts, much flood upon. 9 Crown,what itfignifles in Scripture. 203, 204 Cruelty offorce fo great that they are notfatisftedunleffe the[aids oftheir brethren. 305 Cup of Confolation, what. 616 D Darknefs, divers fortsof it 196 Davids holy ingenuit ie in choof :ng the Peftilence. 72 Dauncing twofold. 666 Day,put alone in Scripture,fignifeesa time o f judgement or oftrial/. 125.- I26 Dayes, latter or 14 dayes, underftood three wales in Scripture. 333 Death,very terrible,or the kingof ter- rors,in a threefoldconfideration 93 ,threefoldgradationofthe terribl. nes ofdeath.94.1n two cares death terrible to it godly man 94,95 Se* ven things may fweetes death to Saints. 96, 97. A low andmifera: ble (flat expreffedby death in Scrip tore 318. Death ofthe wickedof. ten eafie andpeaceable. 677, 678._ Sl,weft death is moft trued. 679, Death takes the ftrong andhealthy. 770. Death doth not obferve the laves ofnature, &c. 773. Man is dailydying.83 5.'Tis nonew thing tod}e. 837. Death of Chrift vo. luntary.328. Death couldnot hold Chris under its power,ewo realms ofit.36 r . Chrift continued as little time under the power ofdeathat could be toconftitut the thirdday.362 Death prevailethover our wholeout- ward man. 359. Death of Chrift the belt argumenttogiveus comfort in deatb.837.Deathmakes nodif- ference among men. 78a Deliberatingneceffart' befa'refpeakjng Deliberatefanning: 5 2 Defert, no rant ofGodsproceedings, .64$