Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

THE TABLE. Drys rh-n flrong are very importa nat.27i.Defire runs oat upon thofe things which are foetable to our wants. 291. Defires ofthe wicked neverful.543.W%en a wicked man pathhis d tìre,it ftall not help him. 546 Difcontent very finful. 545 Difeafes calved weapons. 565 Di (puts kindle paffion. 4 Devil, how the ftrft born or death. 79 How hersfail to have the power of death ibid. How wickedmen come to be.the-children ofthe Devil. 73o Doubling ofwords, what it imports. 611 Drinking wrathwhat it imports.736. 738 Dreames bowva:i¡hing. 472 Dungof man worfe then that of other creatures. 465 E Earthly things, the bill- of them may foon be takenfrom us. 205 Ele ì:ion the quarrellings of mans heart about it. 75 Emims, Why fo called. 577 End & rale to be enquired into before every aïfion. 405, 406 Enerny:God may acount thof he loves ae enemies. 218. God loath ene- mies oftwo forts. 219. To be an enemy to God is amot/' dangerous condition.22o. We ¡hallfarelypre - vaile over oar enemies, if they be Cods enemies. 221 Eraor,the daughter ofignorance. 16o The b-rf ofmen,Godly men arefaìb- jell to errour. 16r. He that juah- ethbimfelf to be ix the truth fhould not leave it,becaufe others cal it er- tour. 164. Many call that aner- rour, which they cannot prove to be one. 165. Man is apt to magniJa himfelfover tholewho arefallen in. to an error. 167. That it is very finful to doe fo, fiery'ed, 169, 176. Good men may erre and continue long in an errour, 840 Evil!, It makes that which isevil! or bad worfe, whenwe atcaunt it bet- ter then it is. 464 Exaltationof Chriji threefold, 351 Experience teacheth wicked men,they will not know till they feele, 733 F Faithmuff be openly profF edwhen we are called thereunto. 315 Open profelonofoar faith a ¡rapport in a liftion. 317. Faith will vent and trufi in the worfi condition.66, 67.Man is hardly brought to belìev that Godwill power out wrath upon firmer!. 134. e./Ir threefold werkof faith. 326.Faith triumphs over ali difficulties. 365. Wecannot pleafe Godwithout faith, yet he may be ferriedwithout faith. 601 Father, in what:knee no man is to be called father. TO Feare, we may cafe arguments from fear to dif"wade from fin 42 r,Holy fear kath a threefold of //. 423 Finger of God, what it fsgnifies ire Scripture 289 Vice