Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

THE TABLE. Firenot blown, what it is , nine appre- henfens about it, 579, 580 Firft.borne ofdeath, what or who; 7opinions about it opened. 78, 79. &c. The priviledges of the firft- born 81. How believers are called the Congregation ofthe first born. Sz. How Chrifl is called the firft- born froan the dead, and ofever creature. 8z, 83 Might, anargument ofguilt. 69 Fooles moil burdenfome when they feakor are angry. 621 Funerals, men wicked in their lives, have glorious funerals. 826 Forgivenefs God ready to forgive, 79 Friends ; The alienation of friends from us, is a great encreafe ofour trouble in times oftrouble.247.The inofl profeffed freends mayproveun- Ready, 248.4 godly man mayfail as a friend. 249. Inward friends who. 274 275.Some friends fhould have more love then others.277.the díffention offriends many times hot- ter then that ofbreebren,theground ofit. 279. Toll friends may turn enemies. 278. Friend bow nearer then a brother z88. Friencthip; ildverftie is the touch.f#one ofit. 244True &firong love orfriend- thip both five things in it. 245. Friendfhip breaksufually upon two rocks.248,249. Four conclufaons a- bout our friendfhip with men.251, 252 what friendíbip is. 288 Fulness, twofold, which wicked men ufasal) havebeforetheir ruin.559 G Gall of Al f 's howpoyfonbts. 507 Glory ofthree/rrts. 199 Earthly glory taken toso roles. 200. In glorywe ¡hall have perpetual/ offs- ranee ofthefavour of God ' 380. Glorying, man apt to do it is wordiy things. 534.535 Godexpref fedbyfour names on Scrip. eure,(hewingafourfoldexcelency in him.682.wicked men cannot abide the pretence ofGod 68 r.685.How God is seer the worfi of men. 686 To be weary ofGod the loighefl ar< gument ofan evilheart.687.wick edmen have low& flight thoughts ofGod. 696. God the author of mans temporal good, and that God isjealous of this honour. 605,6074: God cannot be taught, &c. vid: Teaching. Work, of God vide Works. Godly man not pleated with the way. of the wicked,thoughhe profper in it 710. Godly and wicked is tome things likeand unlike in this life, fball be in all things unlike i»the next lofe. 781 Good, Threeforts ofgood things.673 The thing: of the world calledour goods in a threefold cenfi°deration. 673 Gofpel.times, why called the lafor latter days. 333, 334 Government of god over the world rro exalt. 755 Grace, 'halms( in Scripture by the soofl