THE TABLE. about worldly things mayToone be gne, 212, 213. The w- rldling,- r o; ecut Jhort. 523. When wicked fasileftt of hope,then nearefl deflru- ¿lion. 559 Ho nets,what meant bp them inScrip= lure. 6 -i. H.crfefeach, the cmbleme fcovetous defre. 544 Hypocrifie andpridedefire nothingfo much as to be ¡Teen. 467 Hypocrite, bisjoy in what. 456. he may have joy about ffiiritual things m%11 e. ceP'ent things. 13. Grace jutfor glory. 375. Grace in tree heart is the root of the matter. 41 3 415 Graves it is a mercy when the body ie not diflurbed in thegrave. 830 H Hand ofGod taken tar wager inScrip- rare. 288. Ir is dreadful tofall to the Land rfClod. 296 Hands, clasping the handsfor three caufes. 552 4appinefs ariferh fr m our v fion of God inglory four wayes 377 Hardnefs of heart oppofed both to re- pentance andp?ty. 293 Harpocrates, the ofgyprian Id4 an emblems affluence. 643 Haft twofold. 444, 'Tia good to make haft in doing go d. 444 We fhioeeld make haft to recoveranyfrom / n or error. 445 Hearing, to har well, requires a corn- poled f]tirit 7. hearing put for an fwering. 787, 182. To hear well, noeafie matter. 612. Hearing con- fidered eu a threefold work 612, 613. 3'Dirituall hearing bath a fourfold workinit. 613 Heaven, to mount up to heaven notes foure things. 459 Heaven, how it revealeth the fin of man, 5 Heel, what itfignifesin Scripture.51 Highef ofmenf o.11 bejudgedby God. 761, 762. Hofeofthe righteauftrong.87.Hope 456 I Ignorance , or not knowing of God fourfold. 129, 130. Wick,edneffe and ignorance goe together. 131 Ignorance and errour were a kin, ignorance the mother of two very uncomeydaughters. 160 .4fsaed ignorance what. 689. Ignorance of three forts. 692 Imitation, God is not to be imitated in all things. 3oz, Childrens imitati- on of their parentsfin, what it loth 730 Ingemination of words in Scripture very emphaticall. 286 Iniquity /hall be revealed. 588 InjuRice;that whicha mangets by in.; juflice is none ofibis, 104. It ih:4l not be long poffefed. 7.05 Interceßìon of Chrifc glares MI ofa twcfold falvation. 33R joy better then outwardgood things65 Joy oftenfep,rratedfrom the erjay- menS