THE TABLE anent ofthecreature. 535 :Sinftrive joyes, who taken up with. 668. Saints joy inGod.669.A threefold joy fpoken of in Scriptxre. 670. Senfuall;oyes,theirfnfnlnes.671. When ;oyes are_limbed in their eir- cutnftancet. 671, 672 Ira, whence derived. 15 Jubilie whencefo called. 824. Judgment;day of"Generali Judgment knownandbeleeved ix All ages.343, Three demottfrationsof a Judge- ment to come. 344, 345. Two profitable t f faitsofconfidering the daft Judgment. 347. Chrifi j all be Judge. 349. The equity of it that befhould.351.Tbie terrible to the wicked. 3S2.Five tbittgsmake the wrath oftbú Judge dreadfull. 353. That Chrif ieJudgecomfor- table to theSaints. 353. and,wby. 354. Man eafsly perfwaded ofa dayof Judgment.433.Trefext Judgments ofGod argue a future judgement. 434, The judgement ofGod exatl. 435. Judgments of Godon the wickedamazing. 126. Judgments of god to be feared. 42,5. Judgments comefomtime by an invifsble hand. 582. Judgment twofoid.43z.They who judgothers barfhly, have caufe tofear judge- ment. 435. The remembrance of the judgment to come fhould keepe us ina holy fear. 436. To judge notes three things. 76o Juáice, the want ofit agreat evil, it layeth thepeople open to the judge. moult ofgod. 193, I94. SOX: men autgrow the reach ofmans jufìice. 82,0 K Kingof terrotsrs,who or what.91.6-c Know ; How J -d is faidnot toknow wickedmen. 133. They who know not Clod, and whom gad doh not knoware the fame. 133. Know- ing putfor the bigheft all of be- leevixg. 320. god is not honoured by wicked men, becaufe they doe not know him. 696,697.70 know put forexperience. 431. We may be faidnot to know, what we doe nit ail upTo. 43.. Knowledgeof the wages of Godvery troublefome towicked men. 690. Three confideratiens whence it is that fetchknowledge u lo trouble- fome.690, 691. Knowledge hash three things attending upon it. 691.Not to delre knowledge is more fitful' then ignorance. 692. All mans knowledg derived from God. 753. Mansknowledge no- thing comparedwith the .knowledg of God. 753_, 714 L Lifeofman goes out like a candle, ope ned three way t.713.Life ofman in what fence it may be laid to be fhortned bygod. 744. Long lifea promifeof it to the ggodly.77o,771 Light of three forts. 24.0utwardpro- .ffierity compared to light for three reafons. 25 A threefold light op- Q9 99 q poled