THE TABLE.. pof ed t) a threefold darkrnes. 119. 196. It is a hard thing to fin a- gainjl light. 691 Lightning, to come as lightning,what itfsgnifieth. 576 Live, to live what it imports in Scrip- tore. 653 Love much decayed among g6fpel- profefors in thefe times. 1 56. True love defcribed in five things. 245. Love or loving taken two wayes. 276. Twoforts oflove. 277 M may be calledevili Angell;. Multiloquie very burdenfome. Magi(lratesgreat duty is to releive oppreffed. 183,184, Man ; no mane Mailer ofhis owne . de"ignes. 45. A fourfold condition ofman, held out infour names ,gi ven him inScripture. 682 Manki, dfallen maybe conjidered two wayes. 325 Marrow, what to the bones. 769 Mrcy, fp.aring mercy brings nogood to the wicked. 811 Med.ator and Redeemer how they dii fer. 326 Min flers ofChrifl, their joy is when the Word is heard and obeyed 618 619 Mifchiefe, contriver; doe themfelves moil mitchiefe. 520 Moment, what. 455 Mocking.s, rum more ready to mocke then to anfwer fetch as oppofe them or differ from them. 624.Mocking how finfull and dangerous. 6.z6 Mofes and Baron in what fence key N 227 62.2 Name in Scripture putfor honour and renown. 115. Aman of no name, anda man f no number the fame. 116. To loofe car nameagreat pu- nifhment. 116. With whom good men ¡safe theirgood name. 117. To want a name among mends mfl pcenal to the vick.'d. 1 17,118. Nature ; the bell naturals things which we have may turn to our hart. 41 Negative exprefons in Scripture of tenfîgnif e the-contrary affirmative. 545 Net ; affliflion compared to it. 177 O Old age offorce men very vigorous. 654 Omnifciency ofGod. 747, 7, 8 Opprefed;men u/ual y are very chafe at thecry ; f the oppreffed,and why. 182, 183. Not to hear the cry cf the opprcffed is a very crying fin. 183. Not to hear the oppreffed is ay oppreffion. 184. Oppreflors not only u,jwft but cruell. 536. Oppreflion call; for revenge 537. 539 Ordinances of Cod, howvainly craft- ed to. 89, 90. p Papifts, would teach god 570 Parents