Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

T [-í E Parents (mitten in their children; pu- niJhment. 486. Sinnes of Parents juflly punifbable in their pofferity. 728 Paffion, we fhouldnot answer paf o- natefpeeches with paílion. 447 Patience ofGod extended long to Awe wicked men. 807. wicked men fpared in wrath. 811 Peace of a wicked man in death, whence it proceeds, 677 Peacock, how called in Hebrew, and 452 whence called in the Hebrew 512 Perfecution,wloat it is properly. 298. Perfecution confidered two wayes. 299 To perfecute and perfecution furtherconfidered. 401, 402. To perfecute very/in/rug. 408. Same thinkthey doe well,wbile they per - fecute. 499. Two forts of perfe- cuters. 409, 410. Perfecuters catch at words. 411,412.11e that holds root truths fhoald not be per- (anted. 419 Pitie, wká ir, a twofoldpity, 284. why faitie is expreffed, by bowels. 285. 111iferycálisfor pine. 292. we may pity evill ,men in Inffer- ings. 294 `Double afjlillions call', us to double pitie. 2,94 Pleafure á cheaker ofthe word. 998. Pleafure threefold. 771. Four con clufi7ns about thefíateofmans life in reference to pleafure. 777 Policyandpower.the two great lars ofNations. 37, 38. Poore; They are-brought to.the lowef5 T ABLE. (late who mufffubmit and feeke to the poore 431. Poore are gods treafasry. 581. Poore mefl fubjee% to theopprofon ofothers. 537 Portion of the wicked, what. 593 Principles ; falfe principles cannot produce true comforts 840 Printing taken in a large fence, 3 I2 When the Art of Printing warfir!! invented. 312 Princes fhhould befree andopen heart_ ed.794.7he eftates of Princes brought to naught su foonas the ejlates of the meanefi men. 796 Prayer; Goddeferres the anfwer of it fomtimes, and why. 184, 185. Eight rearms why God deferrer to heare. 186, 187. Nat to be heard when we prayu agreat tryall and temptation. 189. A gradation of fourfleps in :has trial!. 190,191 Strong affli5Iions ufually rayfe flrong affetlions in prayer. 192. Prayer fometimes born down by the anger ofgod. 227. Prayer is our meeting God. 700 Prayer; Wicked men count prayer unprofitable.7o Proud men loftedup. 459. They love to be f en. 468. Proud mansfall. 470 Punifhment; god bath judgm;nts of feverall degrees to punifh fanners with. 84: Profperitydi/Covers the srickednets that lyeth clofe in the heart. 602. s.."1 threefold evillflower to an evil! man from his prefent profperity. 605. Several anfwerì given why wicked menare inprofperity. 650 ggq92 Pro 5