Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

THE TABLE Profperity of the wicked tryetb the graces ofthe godly. 652 Profelyte who he w.u. 255 Puni(bmints oftenfruited to the finne. 470. Punifhments deferved,yet all the punifhments of this life leffe then defer}. 732 Punililment is payment. 8zo pyramides in .Egypt, not known, who built them. 118,700. Profit ; wicked ledby their profit in all they do. 700. wickedmen throw upholy duties,when theyget no out- ward profit by them. 702 ueftioning our felver about what we are to doe, or have done, how ufefull. 405, 407 Qieftions in Scripture concerning god or man, who or what he id ? how tobe underflood. 694 R- Raining ofwrath. what. 56o Reafon ; meere humane reafon no competentfurveigher of the wayes of God. 758 Reafon ; sittings of many out-run their reafon. 404 Redemption, what it re ; To redeem taken three wayes. 321 Redeemer twofold. 322. (brill a re- deemer in theflrifteft fence. 3 24. Five things concurre in the works ofaRedeemer, all which meete in Chrift 325. Chriflwas the Re- deemerfoam the beginning. 330 That our Redeemer liveth,carry- eth in it a twofold comfort. 331 into thefame fan very ft.- ful.148. Agood manmay relapf. 149 Relations ; god can create see trouble outofany Relation. 263 Reproofesmay prove comforts. 616 Reproofe; wickedmen fhould be re. proved. 814. Few founddoing it, 815. Four qualifications necefary in a rep over. 816. It is the mi- (ery offorne men that they are not reproved. 817 Reproach, the bearingof it ir agreat .fight.ofaf iltions.144.Reproaches make breaches. 149. Goodmen fub- je£l to reproach. 150. Aloftfad when onegoodman reproaches ano- ther. i 5o. Reproof mutt notfavour of reproach. 171 Repentance two'eld. 513, 514. They who negleFl repentance in health feldommind it inficlnefr. 679 Reftitution oftwoforts. 483. Te re- flare is very troublefome to awicked man. 485. Five queries anfwered about reftitution. 529, 53o Refurre&ionan ancient herefieabout it. 123. A twofold refurre&ion fpokenof in Scripture. 317, 318 Refurre &ion of the body proved. 340. Spirit/tallrefurre&ion. 340. Christi a twofold caufe ofour bodily refurre&it1n. 341: 'D'ifferencebe- tween the refurre&ion of the godly and the wicked.342.The totall con- fumption of the body,no impediment to.the.beleevirg a refurreelior1.363 Tit.