THE TABLE. The body after the Refurredion ßwll have true flefh. 3 67.The fame bodyfhall rife.39o.Faith in the re- furreetion to life,encouragetb us is all the troubles of this life. 397 Riches why expreffed by the fame word that figxifesftrengtb 71. Ri. chesa fweete morfell to a worldly mind. i i r. Awicked man cares not howbegets riches, fo heget them. 51 j.Rïches illgottenoxot held long. 516 Awicked man cannot hold the riches which be barb gotten. 548. Riches jhut upbow revealed. 59o. Riches flow away, orare coxfumed in the day sf Gods wrath three ways. 594.595. Riches provoke to contemptuous thoughts of god.o84 Riches not gotten nor kept bymans own power. 705.707.Riches node fenceagainfl death. 774 Rod ofGod, what itfignifres. 66o Roote ofa wickedman what. â r o Taking away roote and branch, notes compleate deftrutlion, iio, IYt S. Saddai,one of theTitles ofGodopened. 694, 695 Salt, implying barrenxefr. 107 Sanetifying to the (laughter, what it meanetb. 809 Satisfaction, a wicked man is . never fatisfied. 73. All worldly things together cannot fatisfie. 74 Sauce,wbat the bell to our meat. 775 Seeing twofold. 366 Serapis the e,gyptianddol, why the Embleme of filexce was alwayes placedveer ir. 8 s 6 ServantsNor to anfwer when called is their fn. 260.263 Serve ; To ferve God, what it ís.696. A wickedmanflights the fervice of god.. 698 Sham, as it bindersformefrom 'doing good, fo many. from doing fo much evil as theywould. i 5 r. Not to be afhamedof the evill we have done doubles it. 154. Shame is a good effst1 of a bad castle how. r 54>. eA twofold fhame,ibid. Shame putfor repentance. 155 Sight put for enjoyment. 521 Sight ofevil! howgriev us. 736 Silence ; fignifed by laying the hand upon the mouth. 643.. Two things impofe dente. 644, Sin makes both things and perfns vile. i 2. Itbrings intoflraits. 34. Sin may domuch hurt to others,but it doth molt hurt to ourfelvos.484. Seven_Arts of fins. 488. `Punijh. ment offin reacheth as farr as fin reacketh. 489. Terfeverance in fin is tiegreatefi mifery. 491.Singoes to thegrave withwicked men, the miferyofthat. 491, 492.. Sinwas food so thefouls of anaturallOman. The metaphor betweep finningand eating opened infeven things.494, 495. Sinbatha prefent fweetnefs. 496 Thie fweetnefsprovokes to the committing of fin. 497. Ourcove- ringof eurown lin how finful 500. A carnall man is kinde to his fin. 5o2.Sinfeared three wayr.5o;,11en dgeq.