THE TABLE, Treadingunder the fette notes abfo lute congueft. 92, 93 Truth fee.kes no corners. 315 Truth wellper home will put the wittief andproudefi befides their mccking> 625 V Vipers tongue hors deadly. 518 Vii:on ofgod our compleatBlefednes inglory. 371. 3 76.We have a Vi1% on of godby faith in this life three wages. 372.Vivaon o{Chrifi in our nature glorified, 373 we "hall eye nothing but God inglory. 387. Vi- íìons twoforts. 475= Unthankfulnefs;Man is apt to beam- thankful both to "Godandman.257' unthankfulìnes provokes. 2,58 Vomitingfour canfesof it,1 Iritually con(îdered. 512. How ill gotten goodsare vomited up. 513 W Warre is a devourer. 563 W-ayes ofGod three f ld. 689: pr'ju dices of wicked men againfi the waves ofGod. 692 Wealth ; the buftnes ofa world1Y man isall about wealth. 674. Wealth often itspoverifhe h thegodly infpi ritualls.674,67 5,Threecautions a- bout wealth. 675, 676 Wicked man tke MO' ofhie own ru- ine. 26. The profperity ofa wicked man is his afflitlion. 28. The heft things which a wicked man kath turn to hishurt. 41. Howwicked men defirny their own lives.47.Evo. ry thing proves a fnare to him, 48, 49.7-hey are catche when their hopes are bighefi.55.God,bath many ways tovex them. 57. Wicked men man- bredamong wild andhurtful' crea- tures. 58. How wemay concludea wicked-man miferahle, 128. The profperi:y of the wicked fhort. 453. He ù very miferable. 454. A wick eel man may get ta, the highefl of worldly bights. 462. No bight can fecure a wicked man againfi the band of God. 462. Wicked mans prolperitÿ like a dream. 473. When it ie heft with him,.'his.worfl is ap- pràashiffg, 553. god, barb infiru- ments of all forts ready to punifb wicked men. 567. The wicked leek net to improve troublesbut onely to getoutof' them. 570. Thefhifts ofa .wicked man./hallnot helphitrrd71. 'Portionofthewia4tdpointed out by God.593.what their pbr'tionie.599 Why Godgivesmany wicked men a. portion ofgood things in the world. 600. It fomtimes troublesgoodmen tofee the wicked profper.649. ked men carelefe ofwhat-W- beyond their Own time. 742. Wicked fom- times fpared when othersfuff.-r.8o7 Wife, the wasgiven for a help, yet may prove helpl,s.269 .4n example of high conjugoll love 269. Lovebe tweenhusband and wife grounded on externals may five decay. 270 Will of God ; howman may crop fe the will ofgod,hy doing that which God wills.303.Will ofGod to befubmit.- ted to.. 757,758 Wife men fomtimes ignorant in what ordinarymen know. 803- Woman, in what fencelaid to be the glory of theman, 200 Words,