Chap. i8. efin expofztion upon the Took, of J o E. Verf- i z. 71 their bread precarionfly, meerly upon courtefie, this is a great judgement. As it is a truth, that theChildrenofmany wicked men are hunger -bitten, fo force Expofitors fix upon this Inter- pretation as the truthof this place. But I rather keep to the firft Channel, that the defcription of the wicked mans perfonall evills is here continued, and therefore Secondly, B) frength, underftand his riches, his fiillneffe and worldly abundance ; his very abundance than be refolved into: want. This Hebrew, word is fometimes Tranflated richer orfob- fiance ( Hof iz. 8.) And riches are elegantly called ftrengeh. Firit, Becaufe riches 1 rengthen a manto attempt great mat- ters, they make him daring and venturous. He that bath a full purfe, and a great fpirit, whatwill he not enterprize ? Secondly, Riches are a drength of defence, or as a ftrong To-rer (efpecially in the opinion of 'worldly men )- to protect agaínft the afTults of trouble, and the approach ofdangers. ' Both thefe waves riches are a mans ftrength. But in both thefe the wicked rich man thali be fhorten'd, his ftuength than . be hunger-bitten. Hence note ; Creaturefullneffe.cannotyreferve from want, Creature- firength cannot preferve fromweaknefe. He faith not, the thong man flail be- hunger-bitten,. but his. frength than, and his very plenty fivall be famine ; : The blefling Éleganier r a of God gives plenty in famine, or fuffiçiency in want ; but impto where the bledtng" of God is wanting, there is a want in all er_,r triöuen- outward fufficiency. Chrift tells the Devil -in aniwer to his find dxm. Mere. temptation in the fourth of c Watthe' Mdu the; e- loner bread ; It is written, man (hall not live by breoid ahne, bin' by every word that prcceedeth out ofthe mouth ofcod. A man may have bread, and yet not live, he may fill himfelfe with all manner ofworldly comforts, and yet becomfortleffe ( Like, i.a. -) ,The life conkfir not in abundance. A full Purfe, or a full Table cannot maintain life. The Promife is, (TPfxl., 33. 19. ) That God will deliver the (bides of hid from death,-and seep them aliveitfamine. As God' can deliver his in death, and-continue lire; iaiatl:ootthe- meanes of life; fo he can let a ivicked man famith infuilnefl<.as well as take away his fullneffe. Which latter Hannah inher Song(TSam.z 5.) (peaks as an experience ; They that were full have hired out them-