Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v6

lanIxt,a}glatotealc Zas entintaoli lery l:eamal(s3,64...44 $0044Pee,2s$2$ 4:4,71.3.rivrovvim, Qui`rArri"Fri*irvioryvvrorvvvvvitvvir via% A TABLE OF Thofe Scriptures, which are occafionally cleered, and briefly illuftrated in the fore-going EXPOSITIONS, The Firft Number dire& to the Chapter the Second to the Verle, the Third to the Page of the Booke. Chap. Verf. Page. Chap. Verf. Page. 20. 3. 211. Genef:t. 25. 22. 478. 30. 23. 172. 2á I S. 451. 31. T. 20o. 3. 9. 498. 31. 7. 145 3. 16. 51. 32. 9. 271. 7. 4. 332. 32. Io. 372. 9, 24, 25. 480. 33. 14. 170. to: 9. 56. 42. 7. ..._'1.54 II.' -4. 459. 45.: 8. 44. II. 6. 790. 48. 15, i6. 480. I. 27, 23. I23. f'8. 16. 32z. 13. 8. 238. 48. 19. 32t. 15. i. 656. 49. 1. 333. Rr rrr Chap. Verf. Page. Exoder. 3 3. 383; 21. 419. 5. 173. 19. 289. 13. 6.35. 20. 5. 728. 22. 1. 4. 532. 23. 2o, 21; 52z. 23. 28. 64. 5 7. 8, 15: 1evitiçur.