Chap. i8. e.rfn expof:'tion upon the °,00k_of J o r:. Verf.r2 themfelves for bread, and they that were hungry, ceafed. That is, the rich had not fo much means left as would feed themwith or- dinary bread, much leffe with dainties and curious fare ; they hyred themfelves out for bread ; they were forced to worke for a living, yea to fweat for a cruft. 'Tis extreameft famine, when they that have bread enough, cannot fill themfelves ; but 'tis extream famine when they who were full have no bread. The Prophet threatned famine in that extremity. (Ifa. 5.13.) Their honourable menare fami¡bed, and their multitude are dryedup with ehirfl. Ifthere be any water to be had, the multitude, the com- mon fort will have it ; water is a common commodity, ( even as the ayre is) and ufually lyes in common to all. And if there be any bread to be had, great and honourable men will have it, though the poore ftarve. Therefore to fay, Their honourable men are f tmtjhed, argues the greatnes ofa famine. And that's the rea- fon which force give ofDavids choyce (2 Sam. 24. 14.) when God offered him, which he would of thofe three Judgements, Warre, or Famine, or`Pef#ilence ; he chofe the peftilence ; and gives the reafon ; Let usfall now into the handof Jod, whofe mer- cies aregreat, but let me not fall into the handof man. He durst venture himfelfe rather to the fword ofGod,then to the fword of man ; not as ifhe thought,that man could ftrike harder,or wound deeper then God, but becaufe he knewGod would temper his ftroakes with mercy, which manworld not.And yet `David makes choyce of that judgement, which put him inequal haz3ardoffal- ling by it,with the meaneft ofhis Subjects. Forhad he chofen the fword, theKing might have fecur'dhimfelfe in force ftrong Fort or City ; thoufands of the people might fall by mans fvord, and This perfon notcome neere the danger. Againe, ifhehad chofen famine; Davidbeing King would not want, as long as there had been a bit of bread to be found in the whole Land. The famine might have glutted it felfe upon multitudesofhis people, while he, pollibly, might have had a plentifnll, at leaft, a fuffi- cient Table. Therefore `David to thew the ingenuity of his fpirit in this eleelion, chofe a judgement, to efcape which his outward Qreatneffe and power gave him not the leaft advantage ; He put himfelfe meerely upon the mercy of Clod who choo- feth to be punijhed by the immediate fword ofgod ; whereas ifthe fword of manor famine be feat againft a Nation, Princes can Z