74 Chap. i 8. An Expofition upon the Took of J O B. Vere iz, the faireft termes in the world, though they bequiet and peace- able, and have profits and pleafures more then they can man- nage,or tell what to doewith,yet all is nothing unlefs they can have their wills upon fuch as Band in the way of their pride and ambition. What tell yeeme ( faith fuch a one) that I have a great eltate, that I may take my fill of pleafure, unleffe I may alto take my fill ofrevenge, and throw downe every man that ftands not by my favour, or with my interef£. Nor is it any wonder that wicked men are never at reft with what they have feeing it isnot póßuble that he who makes the world his all, fhouldever be fatisfied, if he had all of it, much leffe (which is all that any man but the firft ever had, or I believe ever (hall have) with a piece of it. Ahab had a Kingdome he was rich and full ; yet though he had the fumes of a Kingdome, he was hunger-bitten fer a vineyard (i King. 22.) This is a fore judgement and it is daily inflicted upon the fpirits of many wicked men : they have bread enough, riches enough, gold and flyer enough,yet they are bitten with hunger after force forbid- den fruit ; which if they get not, all is loft to them which they have gotten. And as fomewhat which they want hinders their enjoyment ofall theyhave : fo fomewhat which another man bath; hindersthem more thenall their own wants. Such a man profpers, and is in power, thisbites their foules, this gnaws their bowels, and they cannot be quiet. Hisftreneth Jball be hunger- bitten. And 'deflra:tie'sAall be ready at hisfide. prapri The wordwhich we render deflrucîion,fignifies vapours,afcend- vapor et nubes ìng upfrom theearth, condenfed into a cloud : and ( among the qua furfum at- Rabbins) it is ufually applyed, to any (as we fpeake) mif- tolt undo fortune, or y y calamit which comes fuddainly and falls downe pre infortuni et calami,ate, qua upon us like acloud when it melts and diffolves into a ftorme- fuper atiquemut mower; Any unexpected evill may well be called deftruftion nubes quadam wrapt up in and dropt from a cloud. Defirofijen,/ball be ready isciditfumitur, prepar'd orfixt ; fo theword is rendred, ( ) O God, Mere my is fixt, or myheart isprepar'd. So here, deftru&ion pre- pared, or ready at hand, it is not to be now debated or refol- vedon, what it (hall be ; That's done long agoe. Some inter gret this readines., in allufian to a judiciary tryall, where the penalty