Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Clap.'z n Expofition tepan the Took of j o out a word, andwhere it hath a word it ought to worke. We have both put together in the prefentcafe (f er. 49. 1 a.) Leave thyfatherltge children Iwill preferve them alive, and ht .the wi- dowt troll in me: As if God had Paid, ifnone will take care of ether.-,, I will, I will take care of them, I will be a father of the fa- -eherleffe, a husband to the widow, leave that care to me. There- fore let the widowand fatherleffe truft in God ; Aword from God is abetter and a`bigger portion, then all the wealth of this world. :Secondly, Seeing the Lord is fo jealous overthem, and fo rea. dy to take their part againft all their adverfaries,this fhould pro. yoke them to be full ofzeale for God ; God Rands up for their prote&ion, therefore they fhould Randup for God their protec- tor and patron. How carefull fhould they be to p!eafe him, who is fo watchful! to preferve them ? Special! promifes call for fpe- cĂ­all obedience, as well as for fpeciall faith ; The more God en- gagethbimfelfe to doe for us, the more fhou!d we engage our !elves(in his ftrength ) to doe for him ; None have more realm to be rich in faith and love to god, then the poor andfatberleITe. Thus far we have examined the Inditemenr,or Charge which Eliphazbrought againft lob ; now fee, what he infuses upon it, here is thy fin,anel there's thypunifhment. Verf. 9.