Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

96 Chap. 22. An Expofition r1on ,the Boo><e of Jo a. Verf,it, did once afil,6t the whole world. As the general! Judgement upon the world at the !aft day (hall be by fire, fo the firft gene. rail Judgernentupon the world, was by water ; it was a floud ofwaters, by which theLord deftroyed the whole world.Like- u ifePharoah and his Hoft ofe../Egyptians (which was the fecond molt Eminent judgement,that ever was in the world) wereover- whelmed by the waters of the red Sea. Thus (Mores fang (era. 15. 4, S.) Pbaroaios Chariot & bie haft bathhe call into the Sea, hiechofenCaptminesa lfo are drowned inthe red Sea; The depths have.cvered them, they tank into the bottom ore a Jlone.And again, (y. 10.) TheSea covered them, they fanke at Lead in the mighty waters. Water being the Element and the Instrument, which Godbath fo often uled inhis angrydifpenfacions towards finful men, it may emphatically expreffe any difpenfatiou ofhis anger. Yet if we confider the very nature of the thing it felt, it carrieth fignificancy enough to be the Embleme of faddcft and foareit añ id on. Firft, There is in water a (wallowing power ; as water is eafily (wallowed, fo it fwallowes all up. Man cannot fubfilt in it when it is molt peaceable, and hecan hardly escape out of it when 'cis enraged. Sorrow and affi lion are (wallowers alto; unleffe mercy appeare and moderate them, they drowne and overthrow all. The Apoftle ufeth that exprt ffion when he ad- viferh the Corinthians ( z E': 2.7.) Toforgive and comJrt the jnceftuous perfon, whom, according to his advice, they had for- merly Excommunicated or caft out from fellow (hip in the Ghu ch ; (faith he) fuch a one,/hould 6e (wallowed up with overmuch farrow. Sorrow ofany fort, even forrow for finne may pellibly have ajix.xceffe, or an over-muchnefs in it ; and when ever it bathfo (beyond the end for which it ferves, for forrow is not ofany worth in it lelfe, but as it ferves to a fpi- rituall end, When (I fay) forrowbath Each an exceffe, then ) not onely the comforts, but the gifts iicd ufefuinef e ofthe per. fon forrowng, are in danger to be fwallowed up by it. Secoedly, Water cloth not onely fwallow up, but enter in ; %%bile it covereth the body, it fills the bowells. Thus afìti&i- on like water, fills within as well as covers without. David nomp!aines that his afflititions did fo (Pfeil. 69. i. ) Save me 0 god, for the Masters are tsme in ontomy foule. Not onely have thee