Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

4,' i ;I[ It nt li íí 98 Chap. 2z. As Expofition upon the Booke of J o a. Verf. i t. not be paled over, abundanceofwaters. Thus alfo the bitter waters, the watersofeffliáionare of feveralt degrees : forne waters of afflit` ions are bue Ancle deep, they onely make us a little wet-thod, there areother waters up to the knees; 'and others to the Lo, ns, and others we may rightly call abundance ofwaters, a fca of waters; dam come into deep waters (faith 'Da- vid,Pjal.69. z.) or into depthof waters, xrhere the flouds averfl:w me;And having laid (Pf 42. 6.) 0my Jod, my foul is call down within mee ; He adds in the next words (v. 7.) Deep calleth un- to deepat the noyfe ofthy water(pouts : Allthy waves andthy lower are gone over me. Where, by deep to deep, by water fpouts, by waves and billowy, he elegantly lets forth his di- trefle, in alloton to a Ship at Sea in avehernent form and ffreffe ofweather ; when the famewave upon whole back the veffelt ridesout ofone deep, plungeth it downe into another ; Thus the affl ed are totted andoverwhelmed in a Sea oftrouble, till . theyare at their witsend, ifnot at their faiths end. Take two or three Dedu&ions from all theft words layd together. We fee, byhow many metaphors, the forrows of ads life are let forth, even byfnares, and anddarknes,and waters. Hence note; Firft, That tes godkath abundance of ofli Bons in bis porter;fa he bath variety ofwavesand meant; ro áiïEl thefon; ofmen;, eitherfor the puni ment oftheirfin, or for the tryall oftheir graces. Ifone will not doe it another (hall ; ifthe fnare will not, fear :(hail, iffeare will not, darknes (halt ; and if darknes will not,the waters (halt, and ifwaters ofone bight will not doe it, he will have waters deep enough to doe it ; abundance of waters (hall doe it ; he bath variety ofwayes tole both with timers and with Saints. Secondly, Confider the inference which eliphaz. makes, Whereforefnares, &c. are upon thee ; That is, becaufe thou haft done wickedly in not releeving and in oppreffing the poore, therefore fnares have entangled thee. This ( though falfe In; Fobs particular cafe, yet) is.a truth in General!. And it teach- . etb