1 co Chap. 22. , An expclition upon the Boolt,of J O B. Yerf unto thee in a time when thou mayfl befound (The Hebre ,is in a. finding time, which according to our trar:flation, notes the leas fon when Godmay be found, as the Prophet fpeaks (Ifa. 55. 6.) Yet it may be well expounded for the time when trouble finds, that is, takes hold of the.godly man. And fo the word is ufed (Plat 116. 3.) The paines ofhell gat hold of me (we put in the Margin) foundme. In which fence the word is ufed al- fo, 0p[al..2 z. 8.) Thine band(ball finde out, ( that is, take hold of, and apprehend) all thine enemies,thy right band/hall fi,;dout th.afe that hate thee. Now in tbü Piing time, either when God may be found, or when trouble finds a godly man, Le (letting' bimfelfe to pray ) hath thispromife, fxrely in the f ouds ofgreat waters, they (that is, the floods of great waters, by which are meant, great dangers) (hall not come nigh hint, (that is,th, God- ly man) to hurt or drown him. Sometimes prayer keeps the flood off, and aiwayes prayer delivers the Godly man out of the flood. Wicked men have nomind to come nigh God with their hearts (and fo fome interpret the latter part of this verle in the Pfalme) nor will God admit them nigh unto him'elfe, in the floodsofgreat waters. And the floods of wear waters fhall not ( which is the fcopeofour reading) come nigh the Godlyman for his hurt, when he drawes nigh toGod in pray- er with his heart,. Thus we have feen the fins of 76b drawn outinto a Charge, and the Judgement ofEliphaz upon it, what theevent. the fe- quell, or Iflue ofthofe fins, was /Hares, and fearer, and waters, and dark.nefe. There is yet one -thing further, that I (hall here take notice offrom the confiant cour(e of labs friends in dealing with him. We fee that fill) they charge him with finne, and fill inffi upon it, that all his auctions andmiferies were the fruits ofhis finne. 706 (as bath appeared in opening feverall paffä- ges of this Booke ) bath as ofte>ifproved their inference, and denied that his tuff>.rings were catrfed byhis finne, at lead not by any Inch way of finning, as they charged him with. Labouring an much toenforme them, thatGod bath many otherreafons why he aßiiCts his people, and- that God- might take libertie toafi& him, though he were no fuch knde of creataartá, as they remixed him; yet notwithfanding all he could: