Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An Expofltion upon the Book, of J OB. Vert. rr, aoiE could fay ,either to purge himfelfe or better conforme them,they perfevered in the fame opinion, both concerning his perfon,.and: and. the caufe ofhis aficions.. Whence note It to hard to convince thofe who are under a,uißa%e, whether a' bout perfons; or doflrine.. Error is as binding upon the confeierce, and as ftrorgly ems braced by the affediona, as truth is ; For it hinds and is embra- ced, not in the nameofan error, but in the name oftruth. And men are therefore wedd d to, and in love with their own con - ceptions,becaufe(hnw monftrous andhard-favoured, fo,ver in thermelves,yer)nothirg rc more beautiful) in their eve then they, N.,man (faith the A¡roftle) ever bated hìs owne Alb, but loved andcher:Jhed ir. The flefh ofour minds (fuch a. e all falle prin. ciples and potitïons) is more loved and chenfh -dby us, then the flea) ofour bodies. B G':'es, when men have once taken up an opinion, they chink it a d,fhonour to lav it down again:' fis rare to finde a man chit will yeetd up his Judgement, though itbe a, mifguided o, e, or acknowledge that he is in anerror,, though he begins to take ik)me knowledge. or at lean Come tufpition ofink light intimation or onely the Appearance of a provability will amount co a proofe again{} ryr':er perlons or di&rines which we like not ; but the c":eareli demonflrations will hard Dy raite a Jea,otwtie agatr.ft what we like: Let lob fay what he. will in his ovine cafe, he cannot be beteeved by his friends, and his friends will fay again what or.ce they hail farad, though it had been more then once before fully anfwered. The present age bath given us fad r s rriences of this thing For, as many have bflen unfianle,and coifed to and fro with every winde of (talle ) do& ine, fo others have been flubborn and u_,moved from their errors., though theffrongeft winds oftruth have breathed, yea blown hard upon them. And chofe pre udices which have (with . fo tnwchifeverity) been taken tip by brethren againft brethren. ;. how doe they remain,in many minds, as mountains, unmovedi to this very day.? I'knowa