Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

i t 6 Chap. 22. An Expofition upon theBookof JOB, Verf, i2., fon why we are no more aftonifht at them, or doe no more ad- mire them, is becaufe we doe fo little confider them. We of- ten lee or lookupQn the Starres, but we feldome behold them. And therefore `David faith (TM. 8, 3.) When I confider the hea- vens, the workofthy fingers, the Moen and the Starres which thou haft ordained ;what u man that thou art mindful' ofhim ? As the beholding and confederationof our owne works will make ut afbamed, becaufe they appear fo bad, fo the confderaionand beholdingof the works of Godwill make us attanifht, becaufe they appearboth fo good and great. Behold (with the Apo- ftie, i yohss 3. i.) what manner or love the father bath bellowed upon us,, that we íhon!d bo called the Sons of God even this tranfcender,.t Love of God in our Adoption is paffed by as a (mall inatter,by thofe who will not take the paines(or rather the plea_ lure) and leyfure to behold and confider the manner of it. Na mervaile if the power of God in making the higheft Starres, be paffed by as a:low thing, by thofe who doe not behold, that is diligently confider them. Behold the height ofthe Starres howhigh-they are. We are called to confider this. Hence note , That it is oar duty to contemplate the excellenej of the creature God bath not onely given us the book of the Scripture; but 'of-the creature, and we muff attend to the reading of this as well as ofthat, even to the readingof every 'cafe and lineof it. There are foure great leaves of this booke, Firft, the hea- vens ; fecondly, the earth ; thirdly, theSea ; fourthly, the aire. Thefe are the foure great leaves of this book of the creature; in every one of which we fhould labour to be expert Scholars, and.fpell out the name and-mind of God in them. For though (as I Paid before) beholding notes wondering, yet we mall not behold them to wonder at them, likechildren ; bue we mull behold them to learnfomewhat from them, or to be inftrufted by them as men. Behold theStarres. Firft, In their number:; AsGod laid to ibraham (Gen. 15. S,