Chap. aa. An Expefteion upon the Book of JOB. Verf. i 3 . se L particle is ufed (Gen. 49. i 6.) HePaw that rtfi was good, and he kawe /Iii thou loin.: to theburahen, &c. that is, therefore hegave his fheulders to thehnrtheu. Thos fay, 4ì, HawBoth Godknow ? Wemay anfwer ; Firft, Negatively, Not by fence, as we ; eyes and caresare afcribed toGod improperly in Scripture; nor doth God know by difcourfe, drawing one thing from another ; but in the Affirmative, he knowes intuitively, heknowes every thing nakedly in it felfe. Againe, Some read, what ArkGod know ? hots farre doth his eye extend ? what are the objefts of his knowledge ? To this we may anfwer, Godknoweth all things ; even the hearts ofall the children ofmen ; There are no fecrets to God. But whether we expound it of the manner or matter of divine knowledge the fence is the fame, either an affirmation that God did not know all things, or at leaft a doubt whether he did or no. Thoufayefi, How dodoGod know ? But where, and when did lob fay this? lob might challenge Eliphaz; bring your proofes and witneffes againft me why doe you impute lueh thoughts to me, and frame ftch imaginations in my bread ? certainely Sob never fpake this, and as furely 70b never thought this yet Elrphaz puts it directly upon him. What was his ground ? onely as the former crimes of uncharitableneffe &xir?r caber and injuttice, his breaking the armes of the fatherleffe , r c. Jobi ct l isqu were faftned upon him, becaufe ofthe (cares, (bares, and dark- nece,(fe jr eum nefre, in which he was ; as if he muff needs have done thofe quidicar irnpro- evills, becaufe heendured fo much evil!. 7,.61 fufferings were boo profpere a- great, and therefore according to the LogickeofEliphaz bis iawr deem rtr finnes mull needs be very great. So here, he bath onely this to buman6, me. prove his fuppofition, that lob laid, How doth God know ? be- curare. Merl. caufe Yob had Paid, that God doth fotnetime profper wicked men, and afflifts the righteous. As if he who faith, that God faffers wicked men to profper in this life, muff needs allo fay, that God regards not the things of this life ; fo that E1iphaz feemes to fpeake thus; wehave heardthee raying, that the wicked profper, and that thegodlyare of io`ied ; what need we any further witnefe, that thy opinion is, godneither takes notice nor care of the things,here below. Out of thine owne mouth wecondemne R thee