Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22,. r$b Expo.Pion upen the Bock&f JOB. Verf r4. r27 all. No, ( faith (he) never farre it, he is farre enoughout of the way ; The good man ùnot at home, he ùgone a to .g journey He bathtakps a bag rfmoney with hire, and willcome home at the dadappointed ; That is, he will not corne home till the day ap. pointed, he bath gacat bwiineffe abroad, and he bath carried money enough with him to Beare his c'iarges till he bash done his bulinefíe. He is riding and running in a farre Country and minds nor home, nor bath he the !call fufpition of what we doe at home. Thus when the firmer is about to depart farre fro'n his duty, he puts or conceives God farrefrom him. He wa&erh in the circuit of heaven. From the Generali fcope ofEhpoaz,in the 13th and /4th verles, 'Obferve:. Firft, Carnal menframe conceptions of God like theanfelves. Thus the hypocrite isdefcribed (Pfal. =,ó. 2t. )Thou though - teft that I was altogether fuch a one as thy jell. Not that he thought Godwas a man, but that God had loch thoughts of good and evil!, as man hash. As if what is right in mans eyes,. were fo in the eves of God alto ; or as if what did not dif- pleate man, were pleating, or not much difpleafing unto God. NI, hen the t old faith (Efay. 55. 8.) My thoughts are not your thoughts, , ryour wayes any ioayes ; he loth p;aiuly intimate, that they did begin to frame thoughts of God like their ovine but faith God, as the heavens are higher then the earth, fo are my thoughts then your thoughts, admywayes thenyour wayes ; That is, as my thoughts have a vaftnef a in them to all thing :o beyond yours, fo efpecially in this thing, the performance of my pro- mile for the pardon of finne. O how unlike is God 'to man in this? God is not more unlike man in his abfolute freedome' from the leali inclination to commit any, the leaf'; fin then he is in the admirable freeneffe of his inclination to pardon any. even the greatetî finne. Men are commonly not onely un- mercifrall to thofe who wrong them , but revengeful' and when once offended are hardly drawn to a reconcilement and feldome fo folly reconciled, but that fomewhat of offence ftayeth behinde. But the thoughts of God are not fo. He is flow to wrath, and rodyto forgive. He quickly pardon; the of :ace, and receives the offender into favour no more re, ain- ing the memoryofhis offence ( as to his hurt) then if he had never.