Chap. 22. An Expoftion upon the Rook of f o a. Verf. 14. 13 r none inthy heart to prove ir, thy fence or feeling may teach thee, if thy reafon or underfianding doe not, and by thy fuffe- ring thoumayft fee that God feeth what thou haft beendo- ing. This great truth, That Cod is Omnifcient, or knaves all, may eafily be knowne, and ought to be beleeved by all. When the Lordhad made the world in fix dayes ( Gen. r. 3r. ) He faro all that he bad made ; All was in view at once, he had a profpeet of the whole creation inhis eye. And as all his owne Creatures, foall our Creaturesare feenby God he feeth all that himfelfe hath made, and he teeth all that we have made, or are making day byday. (Gex. 6. 5.) god taw that the wicked- nefe of man was great in the Earth, and that ever' thought ofthe Imagination ofthe thoughts of his heart was only evill Continually, or every day. The Lordtaw, that is,the Lordknew fully (infi- nitely more fully then we know thofe things which we fee ) every Imagination or figment, of the thoughts of mans heart. The figment ofour thoughts, iswhat the minds fafhioneth or maketh up within it felfe by thinking : corrupt nature keepes a confant mint of evill imaginations in the head, as it hath a finkeoffilthy affeetions in the heart. The minds ofman hach- a formative faculty in it. And the fame word which the Holy Ghoft ueeth to lignifie the worke of God in making man, ( Gen. 2.7.) The Lord godfarmetb man out of the duff of the earth, or duff out of theearth (the fame word, I fay) is u'cd in the Noune (Gen. 6.5.) to fignifie, the imagination of man, becaufe that is aiwayes fhaping moulding or forming one fort ofthoughts or other,and, naturally,none but ugly evil! thoughts. Thereare the creatures which man (as fallen) is the makerof; and he maketh (as I may fay) infinite creatures, he is forming them continually in his imagination, that's the (hop wherein there's a dayly Creation ( loch as it is) of monfirous wicked_ neffes, till God by his new Creation chargeth the frame and nature ofit. Now (I fay ) as God feeth his own Creatures ; fo he feeth all our Creatures, though we make them in the (hop of our darkeft imaginations. And much more doth he fee all theCreatures which we make without, that is, all our bodily and external! aá ions. (pere. 17. r o.) I the Lardfearch theheart, I try the reynes ; ifhe fearèh ourhearts, then Purely he fearcheth all our wayes, if he Teeth our thinkings, then finely S 2 he