To the Chrifian Reader. branne. What therefore remaines but that we Waite for light and convici.ion from heaven, looking how the holy Spirit of truth and peace, willfiateand determine thole poynts upon the confciences of men ;. And I amfullyfatisfyed that ifall wouldfitffer their (onfciences to an- fiver and reply rather then their conceits and parts, ofour difputers in this age would like Jobsfriends) difputenomore. O That we could a while leave arguing with and an- fwering one another : efpecially railing uponand fcofng at one another)andfall'to prayingfor &. loving oneazother, according to the utinoft ten- der ofGofpel- love.. For as love is the comple- meyt orfulfilling ofthe whole LawofGod, the [cope or intentional) end of the Commandement, fo it wouldbe the conclufon orfini thing andde- termining endof all the Controvertes which a- rife or arefiarted among men. And i conceive that (inmoft poynts ofdifference) a fevcre and: Magifteriall impofng of an opinion upon o- thers inway ofdifpute, is asbad and ;s un-Go -u fpel-like, impofe it upon any by way of power. Belovedand HonouredFriends, ye may per- ceivebowfarrcmyjoy, forbeing arrived at the. endofthis difputebetween job and hisfriends,, bath)