Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

138 Chap. 22.. An Expoftion upon the BookofJO B. Verf. is. anyhonour theydid to orreceived fromGod. It is the higheft difgrace, to be memorable for acftings againtt grace,or for ungra- cious aftings. IJatn obreivas Again, The old way may he taken for the way ofpunifhment, perpetaum, or. or for that courfe ofdivine Juftice which.was Executed upon wic- e/ net", Dual rn keel men in chofeelder times. There is a way ofJudgement which niatdu 'al' God takes, as there is a way ofSin which man takes.Sinfull wayes bus ew, to lead into troublefome wa es and end in death. Haft thou confide- nun dear, pofi Y nator hontines, red the way of juftìce which the Lord went in towards thole old tvietc. Sinners ? powring out his wrath, and emptying the vial's of his Fetat hum eft. Indignation upon them, till he had con fumed and fwept themoff yet peruu n erdt as rubbifh from the face of the ear, h. Haft thou marked the old nnr. deìnini ut impios hie 1,uni. way, which either, the luthofwicked men have led them into, or 4r,)edfeitur. wh -ch the iuftice ofche Lord bath brought them into. Haft thou, tvitty, obferved-the old way? whichwicked men have troden.?> The Hebrew is, Men of Iniquity ; Which phrafe plainly im ports, that he cloth not fpeak of theordinary race, or ranke of finners, but of the Extreamet finners, men fo full ofIniquity; that they dcferved this black Title, men of Iniquity. Antichrist is called not onely a man of fin, or the man offir, but (which imply- eth a finner of a higher forme, then both the former) That man of (in (zThef. 2.3.) He.beirg indeed not onely among thechiefeft !inners, but the chiefe offinners. The phrafe in the Text is a de- gree lower then that, yet it notes a very great degree. And there- fore when the Prophet would affure the grearett, finners repenting . and returning to God, of the readinefs ofGod to p trdon, he ex preffeth them ill this !tile (I /a.; 55. 7.) L=t the wicked forfake hid way, and the unrighteous. man,ur (as the Original Text bath it)tbe spanofiriquity,bu thoughts and&c. As a man of Bloods notes a ve- ry bloody man,a man given up to that particular in ofcruelty.So a man of iniquity, is one given up to fin in General!,, Haft thou marked theold way which wickedmen, men of iniquity have Trodden, This word; trodden, referred both to a finfull and a fuffe ring way, notes the frequency of their going or being in thole wayes..