Chap. z x. e.4n Expofstion upon the Boo i.. of i OB. Verf 16. Jetuites and other Matchavillian politicians have a received M:Lx- ime ofState among them ; Take timeandye may doe any thing. Ifyou are difappointed in a project this year, waste a few yeares tonger (fay they) and you (hall either finde or make a way to acçornpli(h it. But the Lordcan doe any thing he ha (II a minde tO at any time, or without taking rime. TheApoitie prophecying ofthe Antichrift faith (2 The/. 2. 6, 7.) Ncxr ye know what n' th- holdeth, that he may be revealed in brs time ; for the nyfteryof ini- quity Both already worke, one 'y he who now lettethwill let, till be be taken out of,the way. The power and splendour of the Romane Empire flood in Ar,tìchrifts way, and hecould not cut it down without time ;He was harking and hewing, heavingand thrudling many yeares, y ea fome ages before he could remove that block out ofhis way, and fo make a wayfor his ownGreatneffe. The wifett of men muff have time to bring about their ends. Onely God, theonely wife God, cancut down and remove whatfoever ftands in his way,(though it Hand like a great mourtain)without timeor without taking riFne ,ifonce his time be come in which he would have it removed. The wickedofthofe elder times were"cut down fuddenly, without time. Eliphaz confirmes it further in the next words. Whofefoundation wau overflown with aflood. In this latter claufe Eliphaz feemes more clearly to hint at Tome particular wicked men, or to fbew who thofe wicked men were that he Intends as the obey of his obfervation, namely, thofe, whofe foundation was overflown with a flood. It is ufuail in Scripture, by tome one word to alude to great anti. ons and changes part. Take two or three Inftances for Illu. ftracion of this (Play. ss. as.) David Imprecates vengeance upon his enemies in this Language ; Let them goe downe quicke intohell. Which expreffion carrieth a plaine allufion unto that dreadful! judgement. (Numb. i6. 3 t, 3 z.) It came to pale as be ( that is, Mofes ) hadmade an End offpeaking ail theft words, the groundclave afunder that was under them; and the earth openedher mouth and ('wallowed them upand their boufes,&all the men which appertained unto Corah,andall theirgoods.They andall that apper- tained to themwent down alive into thepit, &c. This hiftoricall V Nat- 145