Chap. 22. An Lrxp°fstion upon the BooiE;, of J ®B. Verf. 16. 147 yet all comes freely by the graceofGod.Thus the frequentnfage ofScripture (hews us howmuch the Spirit of God delights to lead our thoughts (by the light offorce one word) a great way backinto the confiderationof what hath been done and written ofold for our inftruetion. The words ofthe text now under dif- cuffion (Whofe foundation was overflown withafloud) are finely an allufion to force particular perlons or action in the dayes of old, and they may beapplyed threewayes. First, To the drowning of the whole world in the time of Noah by a flood,when the Lord opened the windowesof heaven, and.overwhelmed both man and beaft in thole mighty waters ; Which univerfall :udgement is (by wayof eminence)called, The Deluge, or, The Flood unto this very day. Secondly, They may have refpe& to the overthrow of So- dome and Gomorrah. which Cities, though they weredeflroyed by fire, yet it was with a flood offire. The Text faith exprefly (Gen. 19. 24.) F hen the Lordrayed upon Sodome and upon Go- morrah brimflone and firefrom the Lordout ofheaven, and he over- threw the Cities and all the plaine, &c. They were overflown with a flood'offire. Thirdly, Theallufion may be carried tothe deftru&ion of Tharoah and the e/Egyptians in the red Sea ; They alto were o- Thine lemma verflowne with aflood. The waters of the red Sea which flood v . 1 up as a wall for Ifrail to paffe thorow,at the Command of God ad dzmerfozen returning upon the e/gyprians, (wallowed them up, them and Pharaonef d their Chariotsand their horfes. The enemyfaid(thus cAlefes de. Egyptierum non fcribes that fatal overthrow ( Exod. 15.9, t b. ) Iwillpurfue, bevtbuo fuadeor Iwill evert*, 'will divide the/poyle : my loft (hall be fatisfed c°njetfurif. upon them, Iwilldrawmy fward, my hand/haddeflroy them,Thus 'ned. the enemy raged and foamed with revenge, like a tempeftuous Sea, and had opened all the flutes of his will tooverflow them. And when the enemy had thus breathed out his wrath ina four times repeated, Iwill ; Then the Lord didblow with kid wind, the Sea covered then, They fankeas lead in the mighty waters. So then the words may relate to any of thofe three fignall Judge- ments, to the drowningof theold worldwith a flood ofwater, to the deflrudion ofSodorne andGomorrah witha flood of fire, or to the overthrow of Tkaroab and his &Egyptian holt in the redSea. V z Bat