Chap. 22. An Expofitionupon the Bockbf J OB. Verf 16. The Lord is in his heyTemple, the Lords throne c in heaven, hie eyes behold, his eye lids try the children o fmen.. As if he had laid ; in the midit of thefe confufions, when as it is laid (T¡al. 8z. 5.) All thefoundationsof the earto are out ofccurfe; yet God keeps his courte hill, he is where he was and as he was without va- ribeneffe or fhadowof turning. We read in the vifion of the four Monarcheys ('Dan. 2. 34.) That Theflorae Cut cut without hands [mote the Image upon hu feet that were of Iron and C'lay,and brake them to pieces. The (tone did not ftrike the Image upon the head, or upon the breaft, the golden head, the fiiver braff}, &c. but upon the feete that were ofIron and Clay. Now the feete are to a naturali b.ic°y,as the foundation is to an Artificial body; A mans fette are the foundation of his body ; if the feete be fmitten and broken to pieces, the body muff needs fall. And therefore as bone as ever it was Paid, That the Stone brake the feete to pieces, The ruineof the whole Image is defcribed in the immediately following words ofthe vifion (ver. 3 g.) Then wait the Iron, the Clay, the brafe, the flver,and the ¡oldbroken to pokes together, andbecame like the chafe ofthe Summer threfhing Hoare, and the wind carried them away, that noplace waa found for them. The breaking ofthe feete,was the breakingup of the foundation, and fo the breaking down ofall. Whofe foundation way overfiawne with a flood. Hence note; I irft, wickedmenehinke themfelves veryfare, they havefoun. dations, they lay foundations. ThepeopleofGod are fometimes over conceited about the ftrength and [lability oftheir worldly foundations. Holy Da., yid fàid,Inhis profperity,I[hall never be moved,Lord by thyfavour - thouhall made my mountaine toRandftrong, (Plat. 3o. 6, 7.) And if a godly roan may, by the ftreng.h of temptation, thus over- reckon the ftrength of an Earthly Rate , what may they doe whole [late, yea whole minds are altogether earthly ? How of- ten doe they judge themfelves wife and politique enough to lay for themfelves an everlaiiing foundation in things which cannot laft ? and that they are to furely bottomed in the far your of men, gthat they Jhall never be removed. Babylon thinks. ber felfe felled at this day upon filch everiafling mountaines, upon It