Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chap. 22. An Expofttion upon the Rook of JOB. Vert. x6 Y$ ther will prove but a refuge of Iles, ( Ifee. z8. 17. ) ?lodgement alto will I(faith the Lord) lay re the line,and righteoufnefJe to the plummet, and tke Nagle ¡ball fweepeaway the refuge of lyes,and the water' /ha overflow the hiding place. That is, thofe places where- in they thought tohide and lecure themfelves againft the over- flowing fcourge. A wicked man is in greatefá danger when he thinkes himfelfe ìn greaten fafety, and then matt ready to fall when he faith in his owns heart,or boafketh it out to others, that he is upon a Pure foundation ; For what foever opinion he bath ofit; yet the truth is, his foundation is but fand ; and (which makes his cafe more mifcrable) though he be told fo, and others havefound it fa, yet he will aot beieeve it. While (as the Prophet fpeakess Ifa. 44.20 ) Hefcedeth of alher, adeceived heart hash turnedhim afide, t bat he cannot deliver hisJul, o norfay is there not a lye, or (as the former Scripture bath it) a refuge of ¡pi inmy right hand. 0 i the righteous is, or bath (as Solomon fprakes) an everlaflingfoundation. A righteous man bath two foundations which (hail never be fhaken,much leffeoverthrown; who fo are titled on thole foundations may be as confident as confidence it fete. The firlt of thefe two foundations is Gods Eternal! Decree,. his DecreeofEleetion, that's an unmoveable foundation, and that is the found Lion upon which beleevers build their hopes. The Apotthe (e Tim,2.19,20,)15proving that even in the boufe ofGod, that is, among the outward profeffors of the name of God, thereareofall forts, veffells of gold and filver, veffells alto ofwood and of Earth ; Some to honour, and ¡bone to diJho- moor ; and when he had faid ofHinoenews andPhilettu, that they bad erred concerning the truth, Paying that the refurreélion ¿e paft already, and fo had overthrowne thefaithoffame, verf. 18.1-íe pre- ferttly adds, What though it be thus, what though fome men have fallen from their foundation, yet the foundation of God siandethfore, having thta Seale, The Lordknowetkwho are his, veree r 9.Wherewe have first the foundation ofGod, namely, his decree ofEledion ; Secondly, the Seale or affurance of ir, as to him, even his own certain knowledgeof the Elea, The Lord k rsweth who are his. So that while hypocrites or meere .verbal formal profeffors back, flick and Apoflati a from the faith, yet the Eleft, are fate awl (rand aft in the "purpnfeof X God;