Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

15 4 (hap. 22. An Rxpofr'ticn upon theBook, of J G B. Verf ï,, the Booke of the creature. The fame Apolále makes this the groundOche righteoufneffe ofGod in that dreadful!Relyelatiou ,ofhis wrath againfl all eehgodlinels andnnrighteou(nefs ofmen (be they who they will) who hold the truth in nnrighteoufrc,,((e. bbecatert that which may be knownof god re mar:fefl in them (or to them ) for Godheath /hewed it to them. But how or where bath God (hewed them this ? The Apoftle anfwcrs in the next verle ( Rom. I. 20. ) For the invifable things of him from the creation ofthe world are clearlyfeene,being undertood by the things that are made, even hie eternalpower andGodhead, fo that they are h it hots: excufe. So that though all men have not a light of diredioh fromGod fo powerful! as to change them and make them ho- ly, yet theyhave a light focleare and full as is enough to make them guilty. And when they refute to follow this light of direc- tion in doing what is right, then followes that other light of conviâion, their confciences troubling them, (or asthe Apofties phrafe is, Rom. z. 15.) their thoughts accufing them, becaule they have done that which is not right. This pretence ofGod is common to all men, to the worft ofrun, and this is it which provokes them tofay to God, depart from M. And this is argument enough to flop the mouth ofthe Atha', who faith in his heart, there is no God ; when as yet he cannot (top the mouth ofhis own conîcience from fayíng there it a cod while he faith ( and this healwayes faith, either in plaine termes,or in that which is cqui,. valent) to God depart fromme.And from hence we may obferve Secondly ; That the pretence, andmanifellations of god to wicked men, are a tr,tible to them. None are troubled with the neerenefs of God to them but they who are farre from him . all natural! men are farre from God inflate and in heart, and God is here all natural! men, either in his word or in his works, either fpeaking his minde to their cares, or fending it in to their confciences. This light of God is not onely not pleafing but vexing. They who love darknefie cannot abide the light of direction, much lefTe the lightofconvi2`}ion; So that ifever Godbe neer in their mouth, veer in their Bare, or neere in their coofcience, yet as the Pro- phet