Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v7

Chàp. 22. An Exp,fiticn upon the Look of j OB. Verf. i8. fecve Chtift we no more deferve the comforts of this-lifet hen eternal! life The one is of free Grace to theEle&,tnd the other uonäatn Mork is ofbounty and goodneffe to the wicked. The old Egyptians curt' 1n (as force writersre pert there) were carefull to confefle the.unde. i (Eayaf, fervedneffe of thefe outward favours, the plentyand abundance a<nleRrir hat; ofcorne and cattel, with which Egypt was ftored, in teflifi cation ,gamin!, ad rerr- whereof -they every year brought into the Temple of their Idol ''t'l'a Serapirüs Semple, a meafure $hewing how high the river Niles rote and F'Pfrreur : e.'it a rn rtmear:z overflowed its bankes (ter Egypt being t flit Country, is warred ky arum yr ;,,< by the over flowings of Nikes) and by the riling of thefe waters uernfrbver ro they could (very probably) prognoflicate the plenty or learfity fo of the yearenfuing. And they therefore tooke anexa& account e1i "? "utde`ïro, uÍrttt atde}3, how many cubits high the river fwel l'd, leaving tt in the i Temple a{us nenfura, ad: of Serapie, thereby acknowledging (as forceconceive) that their dl:farilin dOtn'i Idol Godwas the beftower of all that plenty,or(as r cle rate(¢ (peaks) that he hadfiled their bereft: with Caod. thing:. +.,,r luc de, ?íb zadEtt. But the counfell ofthe wicked isfarre fromme. ?h. [iáitor.. We had thefe words before ( Chap. 2r. 16. ) 7u6 made ufe of them there, and here Elipbaz therepre I Thal adde but. lit, Ile for explication in this place. In generali know, they are a fro t itoVu!garett verbiall tech, by which the abhorrence ofour fpirits concerning e edreendi 'ro. tither things or perfons is fet forth to the utmofl; as when we fay her +quo -h rni to any man, begone, depart from not, or as Chrill to Satan, get t:7antur d a le thee bebinde me, we Thew our vehement deteflation of his perfon._a ranrurgne So when a man faith, fuch or Inch a: thing m farref rent me, his ubet luaia meaning is he utterly detefls it, or that the thing is the very abo- mination of his foule. Therefore while El phaz faith ; The Gun ç i e.. fellofthe wicked isfarre fromme, it is, as ifhe had ffid, I cannot indure to have any thing to doe either with the wicked, or -with their eounfel, O my foul come not theu into their fecret, unto their affem- bly, O mine bower be not thee: united (as dying lac b befpal a his Ions Simeon and Levi, Gen. 49.6.) . But what is the counfell of the wicked ? their counfell shay be taken ; firft, for that difi onourable opinion which they held' ofGod, that he could doe nothing either for them or agatn them. I ( faith Elipbaz--) am of another minde, of another faith and perfwafion.. Their Counfel ;is farte-from me who either_ 175