Chap. 22,. An Expofition upon the Bookof T 0 B. Verf 79. ¡Sr thou behold and fee the reward of the wiced. Thou Q. Jr . be a, fpe&ator, not a partaker in that calamity. Wicked men ant times glutt their eyes with beholding the troubles of the Saints, and they account it a happy day, when they can have fuch a fight.. They t gne that day with a white (lone, when the black ftone of the molt unluít and cruell condemnation proves the prefent lot ofthe righteous. David difcovered fuch a. fpirit in his enemies (Pfal, 35.2I . ) Theyopened their mouth ride. again fi me, and (aid, aiea, aba,eur eyes bavefeen it,What had they. feen ? The former verle tells us ; They .ffreaknot peace,but they de- vi/° deceitful! matters againft them that . are quiet in the Land. When there devifes rooke, and had fucceffe, then they were pleated , then they had what they would, and tawwhat the, de- fired. And thus the enemies ofthe Church are defcribed ( Mice 4. t i.) Nov alf, manyNations aregathered agai> (l thee, andfay, let ber bedefi1. d(rhere is a twofold defiling,adefiling with fin,, &. a defil! ng with blond& rnifery, the latter is meant by the Pro- phet, let kerbe eifiled) & let our eyes lookupon Sion.They counted it ablefcd fight to fee Sion bleed ; The wicked would have fuck fights ofte;, though ufually their eyes fayle with waiting and their hope is as the giving up ofthe Gileft ; But righteous men !hall fee (rh.e righteousGod bath Paid it) vengeance powred up. on the wicked. Againe we may expound this a& of feting with reference to to the ob teen : and fo ir imports two things: firft thecertain- tyof their fall : wicked men (hall undoubtedly be deftroó ed,and there (hall be eye witneffes, honeft atad faithfull witneffes,teftify.. ing theirdellructl ion ; The righteomtc /hall fee ir, and report it to after generations: Seçondly, As feeing noes the certainty of their fall, or the evidence and cieaeenef e of ir, fo the publiqueneffe of it ; That which is done to the eye, is done openly. What the Ïuftice of God doth againft the wicked (hall not be done in a corner, but as upon the houle- top. The reading of the Septuagint is vrdpxd' yuá full to this fence ; They [hall bemade publecke examples. It is the "louv rat; _ care aqua and wife Magiftrates, not onely to punifh male, confp fa&ors, butto puniththem openly , That fo all may fee and feareand doe no more prefumptuoufl. There are three fpe- emphenpropofie. ciall reafons why offences are punifkied; and the Greekes ex, tam prcff;